Today’s forgiving journal: Making friends with my mind :)

Today’s forgiving journal is about making friends with my mind. I am stuck in my head today.  I have a decision to make, and so my mind wants to take over. My spiritual teacher John-Roger has said that if he could ask for one thing, it would be for his mind to leave him alone. … More Today’s forgiving journal: Making friends with my mind 🙂

Today’s forgiving journal: Going for what we want…and forgiving

Today’s forgiving journal is about going for what we want….and forgiving. Have any of you ever had a block to knowing what you want?  I do!  In fact, I often am much better at identifying steps to take to get what I want (such as gratitude and forgiveness) than actually knowing what my end goal … More Today’s forgiving journal: Going for what we want…and forgiving

Today’s forgiving journal: Seeing the Good right in front of me

Today’s forgiving journal is about seeing the good right in front of me. I am not even sure how to start this blog.  It was such a profound few weeks in Los Angeles and Japan, and I have grown so much. Best I can do is say that I am learning how to REALLY see … More Today’s forgiving journal: Seeing the Good right in front of me