A Moment of Forgiveness and Compassion – the Exquisite Adventure of Life and Love 💕

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Below, you’ll see the latest edition of my “Moments of Forgiveness and Compassion” newsletter. May it touch you exactly as you need it today, especially with all the changes happening and however that’s impacting your life.

I hope that this sharing inspires you to deeply listen to the calling of your heart. As mystical poet Hafiz says, “In the face of negativity, loving lifts you.” (He’s one of my favorites.)

Blessings to all!

Love, Debbie

ps – I’ve been more focused on my Facebook page and e-newsletter. So if I’ve been out of touch, that’s why. Know that I care about each of you, and you’re in my heart. Please comment to update me on what’s happening––I would love to know how you are!

Moments of Forgiveness and Compassion

(To sign up now , click here.)

Happy Forgiving Fridays––and welcome to the first Fall Moments of Forgiveness and Compassion newsletter.  It’s lovely to connect with you!

This edition is about the grace that occurs with co-creating your exquisite life.  Or, in other words, what happens when you consciously bring forward what love is calling you to do––and slow down to see that beauty comes in forms that you may not have expected!

Recently, I’ve really been sitting with the word, exquisite, as a focus for my vision.  When I really tuned inside, here’s what I heard about it:

Exquisite is bringing forward the quality of life that moves your Soul.
Wow. Talk about an exquisite perspective for creating what you want!

I dove in a little deeper, and realized how important it is for me to experience beauty in every detail.  What might my life be like if I slowed down to appreciate this very moment, and if I slowed down to open my heart to the blessing of this moment, and of ME in it?

For months, I tracked action steps to help me live into this, such as picking a flower for myself and journaling experiences where I shifted into being fully present and the miracles I witnessed. (Below are some photos of me creating my very first garden, talk about exquisite beauty!)  And, what really helped me live into the message that my heart had, beyond anything else I did, was taking pauses to be with the parts inside of me that needed my loving support. 

As just one example of this, one day I felt so much self-doubt about an email I sent to someone that I cared about. I kept going it over and over again in my head….and got pretty down on myself.  This is a pattern I’ve had for years, and I haven’t been the greatest at being gentle with myself when I’m in it (up until now!) Usually, I’ve wished it would go away, and would get knots in my stomach––and then I’d distract myself with things like TV or looking to someone else for validation, i.e., to say that I was “ok” or “lovable.” 

In this case, instead of pushing it down, I decided to really pause, connect to my heart, and listen fully to what this part…this “self-doubting” aspect…had to say.  It was so beautiful!  It turns out this was a younger part of me, and she said that she felt like she always made mistakes, that she thought Dad had never loved and accepted her for who she was.  She told me if she doubted, she hoped that I would pay attention and fix things so she’d then get the love that she deeply wanted from people. And, she felt really alone. 

I held her, and I loved her.  I told her that I would be there for her, that I accepted her and was totally her cheerleader and supporter!  I promised her that I would pay attention to her and talk to her when she felt lonely, or worried.  Talking with her reminded me how transformational it is to look inside for love, and to really celebrate all aspects of my expression. This is such good timing as I’m opening to a new romantic partnership––and me loving ME is where it starts

Had I just pushed down this part, and forgotten that I was going for my exquisite life moment-to-moment, I might have lost this opportunity to sit with the majesty of seeing her––and give her space to heal and be loved.  Awe and beauty come in many forms, and this is definitely one of them.  (In fact, when a client and I were working on exploring the blessing in an old pattern she struggled with, we called it “The Awe in Your Flaw.”)

What especially strikes me about this personal exploration is how much freedom that we all have each day to live the life that aligns with our deepest purpose.  The life that makes us want to get up in the morning and SING in joy, and honor the gift within every aspect of ourselves.  That is a true game changer, and my invitation is for you to join me on this adventure! 

Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself to get started:

  • In this last quarter of 2021, what are you deeply moved to bring forward in your life?  In other words, what would light you up, and make you want to jump out of bed and embrace the day? (Before you answer this, I encourage you to take a pause and listen to the wisdom of your heart.)
  • What is one step you can take to bring forward this exquisite project for yourself? Keep it simple, as the smallest steps can bring forward the greatest results! 
  • What is one pattern you do that could hold you back from creating this? What gift might it have to help you on your sacred adventure?
  • And a bonus: If you co-created your exquisite vision, what results do you anticipate experiencing? What outcomes––both inner and outer––would really move your Soul?

I invite you to slow down with these questions, and really give yourself space to answer each one.  Let your love guide you to your higher inspiration, and see what gems come forward (everything in your heart is a gem!)  Just you being with the possibility of what moves YOUR Soul, and giving yourself permission to dream and play with this, is a great blessing. 


As a way to wrap up this edition, what if we all send Light/love to what ignites each one of us to live fully and in joy?  When we come together as a community with an intention to uplift from the heart––and support each other as we go––miracles truly occur! 

I’m sending all of you so much loving.  And, here is a quote from Hafiz that has been my guidepost for co-creating my exquisite life, may it touch your own dreams with grace: 

Hafiz Quote Co-Creating Your Exquisite Life FB group


Have a beautiful week ahead, and so many blessings to all.


ps – here are photos of the night when I created my roof garden.  Slowing down with these beautiful plants has opened me to grace, and exquisiteness, in the most delightful ways! 


8 thoughts on “A Moment of Forgiveness and Compassion – the Exquisite Adventure of Life and Love 💕

  1. Though I receive your newsletter in my inbox, it is extra precious to read from you in this space. Reminds me of the times of connection and conversations we had for so many years on such wondrous posts as this one. I am touched by the care you bring to your inner child, it has been a significant work of mine too. Much Love & Gratitude to you always!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Pragalbha, it is so good to see you here! I know what you mean, we’ve had such precious conversations and connection on our blogs. You are deeply courageous in the inner work you do, I’ve seen it again and again – both in your posts and also when we’ve talked. Light and blessings to you, and I am so grateful to know you! You’re in my prayers, Pragalbha, and be in touch with me anytime. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You have been a gift and all your gifts to me, I treasure beyond Gratitude 🙏🏼💛 You have been with me since the time I didn’t even know how deeply I was on the path, it has been rich and beautiful and painful and all that, and I see you as the twinkling bright star walking the same exquisitely alongside me 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💛💛💛

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Donna! It is so wonderful to reconnect with you – and I’m glad that the questions gave light to your personal journaling. I also love that you take the time to journal in the morning, what a beautiful and uplifting way to start the day! Isn’t it amazing that we see just what we need in the moment to help our exploration?

      Sending so many blessings to you, and for your journaling too! I’ll visit your blog in a few minutes, excited to see how you are. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that you were able to connect with that part of you feeling the anxiety. You inspire me to do the same. I’ve actually started a new project, seeking found poetry within old journals. My intention is to clarify and then transform the energy of pain and judgment. Turning it all into art.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh VJ, your project sounds so beautiful and Self-honoring. I’m sending you so many blessings as you connect with and transform the hurt/pain inside––turning it into art is magnificent. If you’re open to share, I would love to see more of what you create! (Either I can visit your blog, or you’re welcome to email me too.)

      My email is info@forgivingconnects.com.

      Your comment reminds me of a wonderful quote on creativity by Hafiz, a mystical poet. (I love quotes!) Here you go:

      “If joy could talk, this is what she would say. It was love that gave birth to me.”

      Have a great weekend. Lovely to connect, VJ. ❤️



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