Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Self-Care and Money


Hi everyone,

Happy #ForgivingFridays!

I do this Forgiving Fridays series once per month to encourage you to forgive, to let go, and to make peace with yourself––in all areas of your life.  Feel free to contribute your experiences, stories, photos, video, poetry…whatever connects you to the blessing of forgiveness. Simply tag this post & include #ForgivingFridays in your tags.

Below my post are contributions for #ForgivingFridays from this past month!

As many of you know, I’m offering a group on Self-forgiveness and Money.  Participants choose a project and move toward completion (e.g., reducing debt, launching a business, building a website, etc.)   It’s been so awesome to watch their projects unfold, sometimes in mysterious ways!  One participant decided to check out moving to another country and had no idea this would be a part of his project.

My personal project has been about finding a new home that can serve as a place of peace for me personally––and for my expanding coaching practice!

I’ve traveled to Austin, to Phoenix, and to New York multiple times.  I looked at different places to live.  I put in an offer on a home––WOW! (See more on this below.) I practiced the principles that we worked with in the group.  There were so many, and here are a few examples:

Gratitude – I practiced so much thankfulness for the beautiful home I’m in now.  Having a great attitude is so important for success!  (See this blog post for more on gratitude.)

Ideal Scenes – I created a really fun map of what I wanted in a home. This helped me to get a clear vision for what I want!  (See this blog post for more on Ideal Scenes.)

Self-Forgiveness – I let go of judgments I have about money and my worthiness to receive a beautiful home!

Affirming New Beliefs – I identified old stories I had about money and replaced them with positive beliefs!  

These last two skills are huge.  Practicing Self-forgiveness is the biggest method I know to let go of what blocks you from creating what you want. Over the course of the group, what really helped me was working with childhood memories around money. (Money can touch in to a vulnerable place inside, and challenges are often traced back to messages that you received when you’re younger.  Without addressing these beliefs, it’s easy to get stuck in your financial issues.)

More on that in a moment.

The money group ends this week.  And just a few days ago, I put an offer on a property in Scottsdale Arizona that I loved.  When I walked in, I felt like I was home.  What an exciting move to complete my own project!

It turns out that 2 other people bid on the house as well.  When I made my final bid, I offered the amount that felt like it was taking care of me––truly.

I found out this morning that I didn’t get the house.  Someone else had put in a full-price offer.

I’m sad and loving myself through it.  (I love myself so much.)

I’m also slowing down to heal judgments that may still be present, especially from an earlier time.

During the group, I did a “Money Autobiography” along with the other group participants.  I asked myself questions like “What are my earliest memories about money?” I realized how much I’d felt like a burden to my grandmother––I moved from LA to NY when I was 5 after my parents divorced, and my nan took care of me when my mom went in and out of mental hospitals.  I felt alone and devastated, and that I didn’t belong in my new home.

The decision I made at the time is that my needs are not important, and moreover, they will never be met.  This one belief has resulted in my depriving myself of good things later in life, as well as my scarcity thinking “I don’t have enough” and “I’m waiting for the next calamity.”  Updating this belief has made a tremendous impact on my life.  (See my bio on the group page for more.)

One of the new beliefs that I stated for myself is:

My needs are important. Period.

I made this new belief come alive in the past few days with this house and I am so proud of myself!  Every step of the way, I slowed down inside and asked what would be taking care of myself (financially and otherwise).  I gathered all of my financial information, and I took that into consideration.  And, I listened to my heart when I made the offer.

When I doubted my choices, I simply affirmed “I trust in my inner guidance.” And I stood in what was true for me, even if it meant I wouldn’t get the house.

This is living my new positive belief in action!

In this beautiful blog, I am ready to do more Self-forgiveness.

I forgive myself for judging myself for buying into the belief that my needs aren’t important––and that it’s not ok to take care of myself first.  I forgive myself for judging myself as not having enough resources to create the home that I want.

The truth is so much more beautiful than that.

Right now, I am taking a pause to be still.  To love that little girl who wanted to live in that home, and reminding her that I am taking care of her, and that I have all the resources to create a wonderful home.  And, that my true home is inside.

What a perfect way to end the Self-forgiveness and Money group.  (We wrap up tomorrow with a celebration group call!)

I trust that something even better is in store.  I have faith in that.  The most important thing is that I honored what was true for me and took excellent care of myself every step of the way. This is the biggest gift I could ever have received in this group.

And, I may still live in that home yet.  Miracles can occur!!

To wrap up, here’s a photo of me in Phoenix with a dear friend.  We were touring around (she gave me all the important sites so I was prepared if I moved 🙂 ), and we happened upon a building that had “We are Grateful” in big words.

What a perfect signal to me that I am abundant within and blessed by ALL of my experiences––including what happened as a child.  I am standing in the confidence of working through it with forgiveness and grace.


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I’ll keep you all posted!!



ps – this is my contribution to (1) Frank of Dutch Goes the Photo’s weekly challenge, rectangles  (Frank I hope the shape of the building counts!) and (2) Trent’s Weekly Smile.  Trent I thought I’d be sharing about owning a new home, and what I’m ultimately sharing is even better!


Etta of Simply Etta D. did two amazing blog posts:  one on how connection to our inner wisdom keep us true to ourselves, and a second on playing full out in your life and affirming you’re worth all the blessings.  And she shares a beautiful story on her first trip back to the Bahamas in 5 years!

Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking gave us a lovely poem that demonstrates how forgiving opens us to light and hope. 🙂 And how even the shadows contain love!

Pragalbha of Infinite Living shared a beautiful poem illustrating the power of knowing to see the truth and how our feelings aren’t all of who we are.  A great reminder! 

Lacey of BigandPinkyToes wrote a fantastic piece on going on maternity leave and learning how to make clear agreements with her husband on taking care of the baby.  A key to healthy relationship!!

Bella of ThoughtsnLifeBlog contributed a beautiful sharing that illustrates the powerful method of being still to experience peace within.  Truly exquisite!

Ali of Flashlight Batteries contributed a haiku that demonstrates the profound healing of nature to help you totally let go. Enjoy the presence of love so available in her poetry!! 

Simona of With Love shared a beautiful photo with a quote that illustrates the power of connection to shape our entire lives…. Grazie, Simona!!

And from last month…

DeB of Roaming Urban Gypsy contributed beautiful posts, e.g., one about how she listened to a NYC homeless man who lost his dog, and another with the help she gives to people in the NYC shelter system.  Thanks, DeB!

Revived Writer wrote a poem on how forgiveness unlocks our hearts and helps us let go of grudges. I experience each word as a sacred blessing of loving!


Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Include #ForgivingFridays in your tags
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you.
  • Have fun – you are awesome!



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39 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Self-Care and Money

  1. Hi Debbie, my friends bought a new house in Marana, Arizona, 95 miles south of Scottsdale. You may try to look at buying a new home in a new developing area. Unless you have friends and family in Scottsdale. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Miriam! I’m open to where my next place to live is, and I appreciate your caring to let me know this. 🙂 You are a great friend and I’m really glad to have met you on our blog community. Hope all is well with you. I love you – Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Lorelle, thank you––and I bring a lot of love to the house hunting process. I put everyone on to a Light list, so that each person I come into contact with gets a dose of caring. 🙂 Sending you a hug!! Hope you are having so many fun travels this year. Blessings, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Debbie. You are always so thoughtful ❤️
        Major travels are on hold until later this year as my eldest is in his final year of school. It’s been a big year so far and has already passed so quickly.
        Hope you are having a wonderful weekend 😘

        Liked by 1 person

  2. The Truth is always so beautiful. The highest good is rich with Truth. Sounds like you are very wealthy to me, with forgiving, freedom and abundant Truth. What a blessing.

    Loving you and your marvellous home, wherever God has specially for you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is so perfect Anne. It is really about the love isn’t it? My next location is coming, and I know that wherever I am is home! It’s always good to get a reminder too. ❤

      I love you very much. (And, guess what? I'm about to go off to the first meeting of the Bulgaria peace tour once I type this. You're with us in Spirit!!) Love and Light, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We have just had a fabulous Satsang with Jsu, Nicole and Veroniqe. Such a treat, then we went to explore the Ile St Honorat. A totally very magical day. Happy Bulgaria to you!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Bernice, this is so true! I appreciate you. What I get is that there’s something even greater in store for me. I went to Bulgaria right after writing this, and it gave me renewed inspiration for my next steps. ❤

      How are you doing in your home? Thinking of you and sending blessings.

      All the best,

      Liked by 1 person

  3. We alalways seem to bbe connected st points in our lives, I’m presently home hunting after our landlord decided to sell the flats we’ve called home for the past 5yrs, will be writing about it later. A place I really liked was given to someone else and at first I was sad because like you the place spoke to me but maybe it was saying I’m not the one? I’m just hopeful that we will find something that will say WELCOME HOME!

    Best of luck on the move and congratulations on moving forward, starting your new life.

    Love and light to you

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Etta, wow I hear you on your house hunting. How is it going? Did you find something that calls to you and welcomes you home? ❤ Let me know how you are––and I'm sending a lot of Light for your next steps. And a big hug.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Debbie, thank you. I’m still home hunting, one property did call out to me but it was way out of my budget and it’s almost 2hrs away from work. At this point I’m letting the Universe guide my steps. When the right one comes along it will be in my budget and where I need it to be.

        Sending you much love!!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I love seeing the principles you’ve put into practice yourself with your recent project, and I think that issues around money, guilt, and worthiness can be huge stumbling blocks in our lives (I am finding this especially true at present). I’m sorry your bid wasn’t successful, but you proved to yourself you can go through this process successfully, that you can make an offer you think is suitable without being hindered by feelings of not being worth it as you heal judgements and change your self-told story along the way. You’re right, something better will be in store, and that house you weren’t able to get was one step on your journey, and an important one. Love the photo!
    Keep taking care of you, because you’re important & your posts never fail to hit home with me and inspire, as I’m sure many others reading your blog will also agree  ♥
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Caz, that’s wonderful my blog post hit home for you––yay! I appreciate your encouragement and what you shared about healing judgments about worth and rewriting old stories. It's so important and self-honoring to do that. Funny, I just re-watched a video on limiting money stories and what you can do to address them. Would you like me to send it to you?
      Sending lots of love your way, from my heart to yours. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I definitely think rewriting these stories can be so important, and I’m a big believer in the power of perspective, too. The money video sounds interesting; does it tell you a way to rewrite the stories so that you have more money than what you started with? 😉 It’s very kind of you to offer to send me the video – that would be great, is it a youtube clip you could copy/paste the URL for? Please don’t go to too much trouble but I would be interested to see it, thank you.
        I hope the week is treating you kindly so far, Debbie xx


  5. I’m inclined to believe that particular house didn’t work out at that particular time because something better awaits, in due time. Hoping that time will come soon for you, and you will find exactly the place you were meant to be. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  6. We had house hunted for over a year. Each one I thought was the one slipped passed us. We finally got an acceptance on our offer and looking back now, the house we did get ended up the best out of them all! The location was wonderful and the shops near by are terrific. The home is close to transportation too. Often times I think things happen the way it’s supposed to. I actually learned that one from my daughter who is becoming more wise as each day passes. I am sending you good vibes that you will find the right home for you. Have a lovely day! Koko 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Koko––thank you! What an uplifting story about finding your home. And, your daughter sounds very wise. 🙂 From my experience, I too see that things happen for a reason, and that there’s a blessing in everything (even the things that seem hard). I appreciate you, and welcome to my blog!! All the best to you, and to your daughter too.


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