Today’s forgiving journal: Dealing with uncertainty

Today’s forgiving journal is about dealing with uncertainty.   One of the biggest triggers for me (i.e., where I can really start judging!) is when things seem uncertain.   Today is an excellent example. I was going along fine, and then a few things happened where I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. A … More Today’s forgiving journal: Dealing with uncertainty

Today’s forgiving journal: Happy, Healthy, and Holding!

Today’s forgiving journal is about Happy, Healthy, and Holding! ❤ I had a sharing last night with my spiritual mentor, John Morton.  (He’s amazing, one of the most loving consciousnesses that I am aware of.)  One of the things he suggested is to be Happy, Healthy, and Holding – the 3H’s! Something about this touched … More Today’s forgiving journal: Happy, Healthy, and Holding!

Today’s forgiving journal: Letting go of Perfection

Today’s forgiving blog is about letting go of perfection. In my last journal, I wrote about a 3-part forgiving tool, “Forgiving Journal”. How about I practice what I’m writing by doing it in this blog! OK so here are the parts of the journal: Self-forgiveness, Letting Go, Gratitude. Here I go: I forgive myself for judging … More Today’s forgiving journal: Letting go of Perfection

Today’s forgiving journal: Forgiving, letting go, gratitude!

Today’s forgiving journal is a 3-step tool on forgiving: forgiving, letting go, and gratitude! Hi loves….I thought I’d switch the focus of my forgiving journal to some tools I’ve found to help me forgive. In case they help you too. This first one is a gem. I developed it when I was studying for a … More Today’s forgiving journal: Forgiving, letting go, gratitude!

Today’s forgiving journal: Directing my thoughts to love

Today’s forgiving blog is on directing my thoughts to love. I am aware how very often I think negative thoughts. Is anyone with me on this one? My spiritual teacher John-Roger says that emotion follows thought, and that when we have a thought and emotion that match, then we have a clear action. Well, if … More Today’s forgiving journal: Directing my thoughts to love