Happy Money Mondays! Today’s Topic is Receiving the Gifts of Gratitude



Hi everybody!

Welcome to Money Mondays.  Last week, I decided to do a 7-day focus on gratitude—a personalized Gratitude Week!  I did this to play with techniques that we’ll be using in an online group I’m offering this May on “Self-Forgiveness and Money”.  Gratitude is an excellent tool to cultivate abundance and open to receiving the blessings in life.

I did a different theme each day—-it was so much fun!  Here are the 7 themes:

Gratitude for myself

Gratitude for the moment

Gratitude for accepting what is

Gratitude for the little things

Gratitude for the people I don’t want to be grateful for 🙂

Gratitude for taking one step

Gratitude for loving relationships

What a cool list, right?  One of the biggest things that I learned when I did this is how gratitude helped me to slow down….to be grateful for myself and for this moment…and to come present to HERE and NOW.

The day where I was grateful for “taking one step”, I went to Santa Barbara on the spur of the moment.  I had so much I wanted to do, and my heart said to go.  The person who asked me is really important to me, and we spent quality time together.  Funny enough, I ended up getting a lot done that day as well.

Here’s a quote I focused on + a photo I took during the week…..talk about gratitude.



For this coming week, I thought about how great it would be to extend this focus on gratitude.  To really give myself space to integrate and receive the blessings that come with being grateful.

This made me think of a quote by a spiritual mentor, John-Roger:

To receive, you must be active.  You will receive in direct proportion to your clarity of vision, your definiteness of purpose, the steadiness of your faith, and the depth of your gratitude.  

Notwithstanding my great Santa Barbara trip last week, I realized how often I am thinking about what I need to do instead of being present, or feeling a push to “accomplish something” right away.

That often takes me out of my gratitude.

And, when I do this, I see now that I’m blocking myself from receiving and opening to abundance and the formlessness of endless supply.  How can I listen to and receive the gifts available here and now if I’m not present, or worrying?

This week, I plan to put white space in my calendar to deeply receive.  To take a walk….to connect with someone that I love….to continue practicing gratitude….and to ask Spirit for help with what I want to create.  And, to take the time to listen, and forgive.

So for this Money Mondays, how about putting a date with yourself to practice gratitude and open to receive the blessings of this—however that looks for you.  I’d love to hear what you come up with!

And, if you notice judgments coming up, here are a few keys that you can use to forgive:  

Forgiveness starts inside.   

It’s a practice of letting go of right and wrong. 

Focus on Self-forgiveness, or forgiving the judgment rather than the behavior:

“I forgive myself for judging myself for/as…”

“I forgive myself for judging others for/as…”

One of the greatest gifts of forgiveness is that you don’t need to know how to do it.  Simply be willing to receive.

Let me know how it goes for you.  Blessings to all.

Love, Debbie

**This is my contribution for Frank’s Photo Challenge Years and Trent’s Weekly Smile  Thank you both!**


If you have a project that you want to work on, or if you’re simply curious and want to learn more about Self-forgiveness and Money, I invite you to reach out to me.  We can talk about what you want and what’s blocking you from creating that—and how forgiveness can help. 

Whether or not you do the group (either is fine!), we’ll have a great adventure.

Email me at info@forgivingconnects.com or click on the graphic below:


32 thoughts on “Happy Money Mondays! Today’s Topic is Receiving the Gifts of Gratitude

  1. What a beautiful post, Debbie. Full of Light and Peace. I have a little taking the moment prayer. It goes….. God…. Light…. Surrender…. Breathe…., Receive. Just to share!
    Happy week to you!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Practicing Gratitude and Thankfulness through supporting my fellow blogger David Snape who recently participated in an Autism Walk in the United Kingdom. I Reblogged Shared David’s Autism Walk Blog on my Blog and he in turn shared mine. David Snape who has Autism is from a City in England called Bourne. He not only blogs but has his own Podcast.

    Next Saturday, March 30th I’m doing a 5K Walk to benefit Queens Centers for Progress. My brother Stephen who has Autism lives in one of their Group Homes where he receives Outstanding care. Here’s the Link.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is beautiful and so honoring of your brother—and of David, DeB! I’m glad you’re doing the walk and sending you Light and loving. You are an incredible demonstration of love in ACTION! Go, DeBorah.
      Let me know how it goes. ❤ Blessings to you and Stephen and everyone at the Queens Center for Progress.


      1. Hopefully I will be able to raise funds to help QCP continue in their mission to help people with developmental disabilities. That’s my Main goal is to raise money. Due to budget cuts can’t rely on government funding.

        Say No to Warehousing! Everyone no matter your disability deserves an opportunity to Live a full life.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your grateful list and may use it personally this week! Thank you so much! Debbie, I’m really grateful for your posts on self awareness and forgiveness. Gratitude is one of my themes that I live by!❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mary you are so welcome! I can totally see that gratitude is a theme you would live by.
      Let me know how it goes if you use my list this week—I’d love to hear about your experience.
      God bless you Mary. Grateful for YOU and your presence on WordPress.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Debbie, so far the grateful themes have enhanced my peaceful days. I focus on the thought in the morning and it continues through the day. Thanks so much for being here as well! Your posts help me! God Bless you.❤️😃

        Liked by 1 person

  4. A week of gratitude, what a great idea! I love that you spontaneously took a trip to Santa Barbara, I’d like to do something like that one day (obviously the UK version and a very small day trip) to enjoy living in the moment, going with the flow, not planning quite so much. Sounds like a lovely time and what a gorgeous place, judging by that photo. Like you, I’m often thinking about what I need to do and what I haven’t done, stressing about the ever-lengthening to-do list. That push to ‘accomplish something’… I really struggle with that. Have a beautiful week, I think your aim for practicing gratitude, focusing on the present, nourishing your soul all sound like wonderful things to put your focus on.
    An inspiring, uplifting post, Debbie 🙂
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Caz,
      I love the idea of taking a UK version of a day trip. 😊 What a wonderful idea to go with the flow and nourish your Soul. Go for it!

      And, I hear you on the struggle to do something. Gratitude is such a good practice to open to a new (expansive) perspective.

      I have a few resources and keys that may help, if you’re interested. 💜

      Either way, best of luck with a focus on gratitude this week. Blessings, Caz!
      I love your presence with your blog.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. This is beautiful, Pragalbha! Gratitude and forgiveness are two amazing practices to live in your spiritual heart.
      You are amazing, and your comments are so caring and get the essence of my post. Blessings to you!!

      ps – I’ll be doing a #ForgivingFridays in the next two weeks and will include your blog. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. What a fabulous idea to have a week of gratitude and a themed list. Must admit I love my Gratitude Journal and never go a day without writing in it. Have a wonderful week Debbie. 💙🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Miriam, it’s so good to hear from you! Every time I read a post or comment from you, I feel uplifted. ❤
      I'm sorry because I'm a little behind on reading blog posts—-I definitely intend to come to your blog soon (this week 🙂 ).

      How cool that you keep a Gratitude Journal. Writing in it every night is such an act of self-love.

      Have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend, Miriam. Sending you Light and love and a big HUG from across the pond.


  6. Debbie,
    I loved your post. I just recently saw your website and signed up to follow it. I have taken time to think about what I can do to create space for myself to bring in gratitude daily and become open to it and receive it. I have chosen to do a daily meditation in the evenings and then watch and receive with an open heart what comes forward until the next meditation. The meditation will serve as a prime for the pump of opening up of the heart, joy, and gratitude. I am excited as I write this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cindy, I love this!! What a great practice to bring in gratitude regularly – and really be open and willing to receive it. Let me know how it goes if you want to, either on this blog or email (weloveyou@forgivingconnects.com).

      Welcome to my blog! It’s a sacred space to focus your attention on forgiveness and opening to receive the blessings of that. Bless you, Cindy.

      Love and Light,


  7. Those are all terrific themes, but one in particular caught my attention: Gratitude for the people I don’t want to be grateful for. It sounds like it has the potential to be a an off-the-beaten-path, fun writing topic. 😀

    What a beautiful ocean view you’ve managed to capture!


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