It’s Forgiving Fridays! Today’s topic is the Endless Gift of Self-Forgiveness – Plus More! :)

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Happy #ForgivingFridays everyone! 🙂

This is a creative prompt for you to write a post on letting go and forgiving, or what happens when you do that.  You can do your post ANY DAY this week!

It can be anything that inspires YOU to choose love – or it can even be something you’d LIKE to forgive.  For this week, how about experimenting with coming present to the gift of forgiveness, e.g.: write a letter to someone you judge, share a poem or photo, sing a song, or express gratitude. 🙂 Go for it!!

Essential contact Nov 29 2018.jpeg whole quote 2
(My first attempt at adding a quote in Photoshop! I took this photo at a tree trimming I went to last night – I hung the ornament.)


A client of mine asked how she could let go of right and wrong.  She brought up examples of situations that to her seemed unforgivable, such as abuse or murder.

I suggested that she focus instead on a situation personal to her – one that brought up anger, frustration, sadness (some form of upset).  She did that, and we walked step-by-step through the process of Self-forgiveness.

We used a simple phrase to do this: “I forgive myself for judging….”  (For example, I forgive myself for judging myself as wrong for whatever I don’t like about myself. Or, I forgive myself for judging my husband, or mom, or dad for the same thing…..)

This is a profound shift from the usual way of doing forgiveness.  It wasn’t really about her forgiving someone else, or even herself as a person. It was about her forgiving herself for judging herself and other people in her life as right or wrong —- simply by starting inside and staying with her reaction…even when it was uncomfortable.

My client was so courageous.  She sat with her feelings and we used them to heal an issue inside of her.  The thing that really helped her wasn’t about some situation out there, rather it was her inner experience of loneliness, hurt, that feeling of “I can’t handle this for one more minute.”  Going with that brought forward the underlying thing she didn’t want to forgive.

In that moment, my client made essential contact with her heart.  I saw take in her own loving (her whole face softened!). She let go of old stories that she bought into and lit up with possibility for what she wants to create in her life now.  I was able to recognize it, because I have walked my own talk through years of bulimia and self-criticism, through my mom’s murder.  I moved through the experience of deep grief and loss into joy, kindness, calm, and confidence.  And so much more!

It is possible to get free from judgment and receive the endless gifts of Self-forgiveness. I am living testament to that, and I see it every time I watch someone take a leap of faith.  I write this blog to offer a safe space for you to give it a try.  From my heart to yours.

I love you!



**This post is my contribution for Frank’s photo challenge Contact, Trent’s The Weekly Smile (my client lit up my whole day fun!), Sue Vincent’s Thursday #writephoto Untrodden.**

#FORGIVINGFRIDAYS POSTS FOR THIS WEEK (and some from last week too!)

Etta of Simply Etta D. shared a poignant reminder of the importance of forgiveness to get free, to move beyond the inner hurts, and to live in the present. Transformational to forgive – miracles happen!

DeB of Roaming Urban Gypsy contributed a poem on the compassion and caring of a mother’s presence to heal and open us to forgiveness. In honor of her late mother, Mable!

Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking wrote a poem with a beautiful dance of life, and when we let go, we can rest and embrace all things – even when they seem opposite.  Gorgeous!  

Ali of Flashlight Batteries contributed a poem on how courageous it is to live every day in the truth inside, and the incredible power of empathy for those who do not understand. So inspiring, Ali!

Sheila of OffShoots12 wrote an incredible blog of her willingness to forgive judgments of herself for how she spoke with a friend.  This one decision can be life-changing!

Pragalbha of Infinite Living shared a thoughtful exploration of what gratitude truly is for her,  and the ability to enjoy it freely and express the joy within.  So courageous!

Revived Writer wrote a poem that helped her see the essence of forgiveness to illuminate the goodness in people. This radiates happy!

Miriam of Out An’ About wrote a heartwarming post on accepting what is and taking one step at a time. Our thoughts become clearer, we have more peace of mind, and abundance flows freely. Wow!

Kathy of KE Garland contributed a wonderful post on how she prepared for a challenging visit with her brother and sister-in-law. Excellent tips to let go and choose love – wow!

Iain of Iain Kelly Writing gave us a great short story demonstrating that each of us has perspectives that may well be different — forgiveness is a powerful key to bridge this.  A first-time contributor, welcome!

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

New Year thanks and letting go of I'm not loveable - Debbie
Me this morning saying hi!
  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Include #ForgivingFridays in your tags
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you.
  • Have fun – you are awesome!

22 thoughts on “It’s Forgiving Fridays! Today’s topic is the Endless Gift of Self-Forgiveness – Plus More! :)

    1. You are so welcome! ❤ Thank you for your poem – it was so full of illumination (perfect title 🙂 ). I love that sweatshirt too. It's from a great company called Peace Love World. I find it really helpful to surround myself with – and wear! – affirmations that support my heartfelt intentions. Blessings to you, have a great weekend.


    1. Thank you, Pragalbha! I find it so powerful to forgive the judgment that I place, because that’s what separates me from seeing through the eyes of love. I learned this through a spiritual psychology program at the University of Santa Monica.

      And, I LOVE your contributions for #ForgivingFridays. They are so full of your heart’s expression. Have a beautiful weekend. Blessings, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  1. What a beautiful process you shared, Debbie. You have really nailed it when it comes to who is doing the judging and who we have the possibility to forgive. Actually not rocket science. Though it took a little work to get rockets to fly! Imagine if we had rockets of self-forgiving firing off around our world…. ! We and it would become a very different and loving place.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. YES!! I love this. 🙂 You have the most creative positive images about forgiveness. Funny how the most powerful techniques can be so simple, right? Just not always so easy to do. I love you, so glad you’re here. You brighten up my day with your comments. Love and Light, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I so hear you! I have a spiritual teacher John-Roger, and he says that you don’t always have to like someone to extend loving to them. I find that SO powerful and act in faith that when I forgive, I’ll open to a higher point of view and experience of unconditional love. ❤

      I am really grateful that you're here. I love your comments and think you're amazing. (and so is your blog.)


      1. The analogy is not my original. I read about it as a young adult and the writer compared that with the water in the Dead Sea. I can never forget that. Did you have my book? Oh, I’m so honored! Love you too, Miriam

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful post and I love that you are helping people. I never thought about the how much we judge ourselves and the hurt it causes. We do have to forgive ourselves for judging. I think the world is judgemental enough and we have to be gentles with ourselves. Great blog

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! I’m so glad that you’re here and found my blog. Stay in touch anytime. 🙂 I saw that you commented on a YouTube video … will respond to that soon. I love your intention to forgive your judgments and that this post opened you to that. How cool!
      Blessings to you, and looking forward to connect further.


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