Today’s Forgiving Fridays: I have a question <3

Today is Forgiving Fridays & an opp for you to post about forgiveness – any day this week & anything that inspires you to forgive!  (See guidelines below

I have a question for today’s Forgiving Fridays:  How do you reconcile when there are differing parts inside of you?

I’ll give you a very good example.  Right now, I am in Brooklyn for a visit.  I used to live here.  I’m finding myself crying because a part of me REALLY LIKES IT HERE.  I live in L.A.   How do I come to peace inside?

Funny, because I was at the United Nations yesterday, and I posted a video doing forgiveness RIGHT in front of the U.N.  Now it’s time to be my own inner U.N.

For me today, I don’t think I’m ready to forgive.  What I am ready to do is take a deep breath in (pause) and let go.  Repeat.  And affirm to myself, “I am the home I am looking for.  I am love.”

That is enough for me today. contributed to ForgivingFridays this past week on “Living the Question”.  It’s a beautiful sharing on loving the question & ourselves in an entirely different way.  Thank you for sharing your wisdom – a perfect topic for today!!


Has there been a time in your life when you’ve been torn between two things? What did you do?  And is there anything you can do currently if it’s not resolved inside of you? ❤

Please share in comments below – or do your own post with #ForgivingFridays!!  You could even write a poem, do a video, or whatever inspires you.

Sharing your experience is a beautiful gift to our blogging family, because your openness can be just what someone else needs to take the step to forgive.

I love you.  Love, Debbie

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

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  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Free free to be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Whatever inspire forgiving inside you.
  • Tag your post with #ForgivingFridays (here’s a great WordPress article about tagging posts)
  • Create a pingback link to this post. This way, I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week.
  • Have fun creating your own form of forgiving, of loving YOU!!

Here is the video I did at the United Nations:  ❤

45 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: I have a question <3

    1. Bernice, thanks so much! What a beautiful, encouraging comment. I especially like the reminder to keep smiling. It’s like saying, “All is well” (which of course it is ❤ ). Sending you many blessing and love, Debbie

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  1. I would find a way to love the conflict. How blessed that you get to visit New York and live in LA. A gratitude moment. I think I would also recognise an opportunity to let go of attachments. Give my love to New York! Blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great keys – love it all, gratitude, and blessings. Anne, you are a gift unto this world, and certainly to me personally. I love you. Blessings right back to you my friend! ~Love and Light, Debbie ps – I am so present to how home is inside, which is a tremendous knowing.


  2. I am the home I am looking for. I am love. …Simply love this affirmation!
    I have a post that says …Wherever I stand, I stand on the same Earth …almost those words. I understand the turmoil you are sharing …it is so beautiful to acknowledge the feelings as they pass through.
    Love, joy and ease to you always!

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    1. Thank you so much. I read that post of yours – it was beautiful! Sending you so much Light and love. We are all home inside … and I’m grateful to share this journey with you. Blessings, Debbie


  3. Beautiful video and post.

    I am at the right place at this moment in time. All is accurate and my life is on the right path. God is directing and I am listening. I trust him and myself. I am at the right place at this moment in time..

    Take care..what a great experience at the un as a peacemaker beautiful..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is beautiful, Bella. What beautiful affirmations to share! You are such a blessing. Thank you for being here. And yes, it was SUCH a fantastic experience to be at the UN and hold the presence of peace. It was clear to do a video before going inside, and the forgiveness was very present!! Lots of loving, Debbie

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  4. So bring up a great important point, we all need to be peacemakers not only with others but especially ourselves! There is always a battle within oneself and it’s our job to sort it out and try to rid the conflict. When I have differing parts within myself, I look to God for peace and answers and quiet reflective meditation works too. I’m sorry that you feel torn between places and this must be happening for a reason. My advice would be to think of all the reasons why you moved to LA and the reasons why you like NYC. It may take soul searching but I think wherever you go you may feel this and a little work inside may heal that. Love and blessings to you, Debbie! ❤

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    1. Oh Mary, thanks so much for sharing! What I’m aware of is that I can embrace both parts with loving. You have so much inner wisdom, and your remembrance of God during these times is inspirational to me …. and so key as a part of my forgiveness journey. We are always supported. I love you, Mary. ❤ Blessings, Debbie

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      1. Debbie, you are wise to embrace both parts. I think your posts are amazing and inspiring…to keep working hard at knowing and loving ourselves, practicing forgiveness and embracing it all. With light and love, my friend.💗🌈😉

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    1. Emily, this is profound! Just accepting where we are a big gift to give ourselves. So glad this post is helpful to you. I’ve been having a beautiful weekend, hope yours is wonderful too. Love and thanks again ❤

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  5. I love the light you’re shinning into our world Debbie, its very inspiring.

    Peace, love & light my beautiful friend ❤ Deborah

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  6. Hello dear Debbie,
    A lovely post and I resonated with the line that ‘I am the home I’ve been looking for’ as well. Also, I give myself the comfort I need at times too.
    As for your question about being torn in decisions, I’m constantly deciding between blogging, photography and writing on Instagram. Others tell me other things… I became overwhelmed last night and tears flowed at the restaurant dinner table. I forgive myself for feeling like that in front of others.
    When you’re a sensitive one, the opinions of others can’t help but go in.
    Thank you for asking, my friend.
    Take care and sending hugs to you 💜💜

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    1. I love that you did forgiveness, Di. ❤ There is such kindness and courage in that. Yay!! Take care and sending hugs right back to you. Love, Debbie ps – sometimes just having a good cry & accepting ourselves is enough to release a whole bunch ❤ ❤

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      1. Thank you dear Debbie. And yes, I wholeheartedly agree and I’m already in the midst of doing what you suggested…. it’s truly healing to just let it all happen 🙋🏻❤️💐

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  7. Debbie, I just wanted to stop in and say I have been thinking about you lots lately! I started my new job and realized something about myself……… I am super, super hard and unforgiving of myself. Immediately I started thinking back to so many of your wise words about the importance of self- forgiveness. You are a light and I’m thankful for the love you share in this world. Thank you for always giving of yourself so others may discover how to heal parts of their own selves as well. Sending you tons of love ❤

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    1. God, Mackensie, thank you so much. ❤ This comment stopped me in my tracks. I am so touched. Glad that sharing my experience has helped you to open to a greater awareness of forgiveness and the healing this brings!! Sending my love and blessings your way. I hope your new job is going magnificently. Be gentle with yourself, and please feel free to be in touch anytime, Mack!! You can of course just visit my blog, or feel free to email me at ❤ Happy to connect, and be of support too.

      To me, you're a breath of fresh air!! Love and blessings, Debbie

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      1. Awwww thank you, Debbie!!!! I am SO thankful for your friendship and kind words always. I am definitely going to tuck away that e-mail address. Thank you again— sending you so much love!!!!!

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    1. Oh Maniparna, what an excellent method! Nature is such a foundation for good self-care and coming to a greater awareness of the peace and soothing that is always available! Thank you for sharing this, I learned a lot. Happy Sunday, and much loving your way –Debbie ps Emerson has a great quote, “The Earth laughs in flowers.” 🙂

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  8. I had a really good friend who moved from here to Brooklyn (for 7 years I think). She’s moved back, and I have heard her say similar things. I think she cried when she watched the movie Brooklyn. It must be a wonderful place to leave and okay to miss. Hugs to you dear Debbie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, no kidding. Lacey, thank you for sharing that! Helped me a lot to read it. Brooklyn is a special place … lots of community, warmth, creativity, and a special vibe of caring connection. You are a sweetheart. Love love love, Debbie

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  9. I really get you on this one Debbie!! We lived in Spain for 12 years and at times I so miss the places and people there! And while we lived there I missed family and life in California… But I believe in God’s call on a life and finding his best place for you gives peace and rest. Right now that is in so Cal near our older folks who need us and with our church community here. But you can still love two places!! I know you, of all people, have enough love to go around! hugs friend. xo

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    1. God Rhonda so true! “Love it all” is such a key to creating a safe space inside to forgive and to love ourselves ❤ Thank you for sharing your experience. I didn't know that you lived in Spain!!! So glad that you are called to SoCal now and that following this divine knowing is bringing you peace, and rest. Love and blessings, my friend. Debbie


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