Today’s forgiving journal: Letting Go

Today’s forgiving journal is about Letting Go.

Funny, I don’t know even what to name this post.  I was thinking “Letting Go of the Past”….  “Letting Go of What I Am”…. and I chose to simply call it “Letting Go” and let the chips fall where they may.

I’m aware of a limiting belief in my mind that…

I am unworthy

I need to get it all perfect

I’m defined by my past

What I am also aware of is the centrality of this Lao Tzu quote in my forgiving process today:

Lao Tzu Quote May 18 2016 Version 4

The essence of who I am … is what I am learning with my forgiving process, experiencing it beyond just words, knowing it by loving and choosing to take care of myself.  Time for my forgiving process:

1 – Self-forgiveness: I forgive myself for judging myself as defined by my limiting beliefs.  I forgive myself for judging that it’s not possible for me to let go FULLY, especially of the mind.  (and as my spiritual teacher John-Roger says, “etcetera”!)

2 – Letting Go: I let go of the limiting belief that I am unworthy.  I let go of the limiting belief that I need to get it all perfect.  I let go of the limiting belief that I’m defined by my past.  I CHOOSE TO LOVE ME IN ALL WAYS.

3 – I am grateful for this Lao Tzu quote…it goes beyond just my mind and speaks to my Soul.  I am grateful for my open heart.  And I am grateful for the smile on my face.


The truth is that I am all of these things and more than them.  Amazing grace keeps popping up inside of me.  What I take that to mean is that I am born anew – I am looking forward to seeing what I might be.

I love you!



Ps – please feel free to share your experience of forgiving, so happy to hear it.

7 thoughts on “Today’s forgiving journal: Letting Go

  1. Forgive me…hahaha… I post it before finishing my sentence….what I want to say is that one of the most powerful tools for me is “bless it all”. It helps me to let go the feeling/hurt.
    Lovely post. 🙏🏻✨


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