

I am a Professional Forgiveness Coach and owner of this amazing blog at Forgiving Connects. Through personalized coaching, I work with clients both individually and in groups to make peace with themselves and create more of what they want in their lives. A key in our work together is the powerful practice of Self-forgiveness, or freeing ourselves from the judgments we make inwardly.

This website & blog is a safe space for all of us to share our stories on forgiveness. It comes out of my own journey learning how to love myself and what works to truly help me forgive … fully.

I struggled with an eating disorder starting in puberty and on a deeper level, battled with self-criticism and even self-hatred.  This changed when I learned the powerful practice of Self-forgiveness. One day at a time, I began to accept and love all the parts of myself I’d judged.

Then, my mom was murdered in my 30s. Facing the grief and judgments from this act was a life-changer for me.  It opened me to a profound experience of compassion and letting go. I deepened in my ability to forgive and choose love—no matter what.

I am committed to knowing this completely and have been practicing and sharing about forgiveness for many years.  I have a Masters in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica and was valedictorian of the public policy program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.  I also earned a Doctorate in Spiritual Science, where I completed a Practical Treatise on self-forgiveness as a key to living in your heart as a practical, day-to-day experience. I’ve spoken at the Annual Conference of the Institute for Individual and World Peace and am a regular attendee at the U.N. Spiritual Caucus group in New York.

Most recently, I was joined by 20 people in 4 countries for a 21-Days of Forgiveness adventure, where each participant slowed down with the steps to forgive––as they took action on a meaningful project in their life.  I ran a group on Self-Forgiveness and Money to help people let go of old stories and step into financial freedom. You can also find a plethora of webinars throughout the year, including “Self-Forgiveness and Relationship”, “Forgiving for Your Business Success”, and “Self-Forgiveness and a Healthy Body”, to name a few. And, I founded #ForgivingFridays, which is an international movement for people to share their stories and experiences, release judgments, and connect with each other through kindness.

I invite you to participate with me however you are called to do that.  Please contribute your stories to Forgiving Fridays! Sign up for a Forgiving Coaching Session or join our Forgiving Group on Facebook!  Watch a Forgiving Fours video! Ask me questions on forgiveness at my Contact Page!

Many blessings to you as you walk your own path of forgiveness, grace, and expansion.

With Great Love,

Debbie Roth<3

145 thoughts on “About

    1. Thank you so much! I’m really glad that you’re here. 🙂 Your presence is very welcome on my blog. Have a beautiful & blessed week – Debbie

      ps – I’ll be on a spiritual retreat next week so off blogging. Thanks again & see you on my return ❤ Smiles.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow Debbie I am amazed to come here again, and to watch your Video was overwhelming, the joy you express from the deeper realms of your heart is just awesome. I am delighted. I have also been living a life forgiving people all through who have come my way and have hurt.
    Yes its no way, to prolong it, into our hearts and feelings, just forget and go away, should be the mantra. You may see that, as you read some of my older posts. If you want I shall give you the links of those posts for your perusal.
    So, forgiving connects, therefore we are here connected.
    With Great Love to YOU too.


  2. This is incredible! You are incredible! I can’t wait to poke around on your blog and maybe learn a thing or two about forgiveness, Lord knows I need it. I’m so glad to have stumbled upon this and am excited to jump right in! Thanks for being brave and putting this out there! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Lauren, thank you! I’m so glad that you found my blog too. ❤ I just read your About page, and it's beautiful. You are so lucky to have Jeremiah and he, you.

      Please be in touch anytime. I would love to hear more about your experience with forgiveness. My email is weloveyou@forgivingconnects.com. (I also have other resources on forgiveness, such as a safe forum to share on Facebook, etc….. if that is of interest to you.)

      Blessings to you and your husband, and welcome to my blog. Peace, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I absolutely will be in touch! Forgiveness is something I really really struggle with. Not only forgiving others, but forgiving myself as well. Thank you so much, you are too sweet! I truly cherish Jeremiah and can’t believe he’s really mine sometimes. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Here is a contribution to your collection of forgiveness stories. It’s a page from the web book “The New Holicaust: Homeless in America and What We Can Do About It” — given very kind reviews by both Rebelle and Namaste!


    Have a great retreat, e-see you when you get back 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Ana so much for sharing this chapter! I really appreciate how you look for gratitude in your heart as a key to forgive. My Spiritual Teacher John-Roger has said something like, If you want to know more of the Soul, look through the eyes and hear through the ears of gratitude. ❤

      Sending you much love. Glad you are present on my blog!!! Many blessings, Debbie


      1. I was surfing around looking at comments on some of my blogging friends’ posts. I clicked on your picture… I can’t remember the exact path I took now, lol!
        Thanks, Debbie 🙂


  4. Hi Debbie, I have two items to share. It’s two, because I may have shared the first one already (can’t recall for sure). I’ve visited your Friday project before, loved it, but can’t recall if I’ve shared my most appropriate story with you already.

    There was an amazing time when my team at work rallied to help a young member who found herself in crisis. I’m blessed, every time I recall this account and hope it inspires your readers too.

    Then there was a time, when a much younger me both managed to insult someone terribly and I walked away with a life changing lesson, but also managed to get a much better grade in a class than I was given by an instructor who failed to do his job. This story still stirs and embarrasses me. If you’ve already seen the first, I offer you this second one to perhaps remind someone that we rarely know what demons others are dealing with and we can be part of their healing or their misery.

    Thanks for starting this wave of inspiration each week.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh Vinneve, I’m so glad that you found my blog! Forgiving ourselves and others is a true game changer, isn’t it??

      How did you discover my forgiveness page? And, I’d love to hear more about what inspires you with forgiveness. Lots of blessings to you, Vinneve.

      Liked by 1 person

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