Today’s Forgiving Fridays: the Incredible Natural Joy of Forgiveness

Happy #ForgivingFridays everyone! Yay! This is an opportunity for you to let go and forgive & post about it ANY DAY this week! See guidelines below. ❤ You can post whatever inspires YOU to forgive and choose love – even if you’re struggling.  e.g., try a poem, photo, or a story or inspiring quote, or share how you did forgiveness today (that’s what I did).

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is the incredible natural joy of forgiveness.

Yesterday, I was really grouchy with a friend.  And the whole rest of the day, I judged myself pretty harshly. Well, if I’m a forgiveness coach and blogger, I guess I need to learn continually!

That’s the part that I forgot yesterday…. at least for a while.

Instead, I went around again and again in my head, replaying what I said and what he said back.  Boy, did I hurt inside.  So I just sat with myself.  I gave myself love.  I looked in the mirror and said, It’s going to be ok.  (And today, I’m also adding: I am bigger than all of this.  My spiritual heart is who I am.)

I went to people I trust because I needed perspective.  I learned two things: (1) I can let go of the illusion that I am perfect; and (2) I am here to learn and that is an incredible gift of love.

When I drove home last night, I cried, and I did Self-forgiveness.  The key when I did it is to forgive myself for judging — the power to forgive is inside of me, I can choose to see things as right or wrong, or I can let it go by forgiving the judgment.  So key!

I forgive myself for judging myself for looking outside for love.  (that’s an example ❤ )

And this morning, I got to a place of affirming what’s true.  The truth is that I am love and I am learning, and so is my friend.  And I love him. The truth is that I can always say I’m sorry starting with myself for hurting me.  The truth is I am so courageous to look constantly at how I can grow, forgive, and love.

I did a video for you just this morning!


And most of all, I’m just staying present with myself today, letting the Self-forgiveness reveal itself inside of me.  It’s not always immediate, in fact it’s often a simple, natural process of letting go and allowing the love and joy.

❤ ❤ ❤

Here are some photos of where I am in the process.  The first one is yesterday when I was really judging.  The last three are from this morning – look at the difference in my face!  Even the shape is bigger and brighter this morning.  Floored me with how forgiveness helps me to heal and be in joy.


I am SO SO grateful for all of you who contribute to Forgiving Fridays.  I learn so much from you!  Here are this week’s contributions:

Etta of  Simply Etta D. shared gorgeous quotes to inspire us to pay attention and live fully and completely.  Here’s an example: “Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” Thank you, Etta!

Revived Writer gave us a magnificent poem on having courage through anxiety and other mental health challenges.  She is learning to open to her own compassion – and to forgive.  Love it!

Pragalbha of Infinite Living wrote an inspired poem on accepting herself exactly as she is and seeing all with the divine eye of love….and moving forward with this knowing. So authentic!

Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking  contributed a poem that enriched me beyond words.  Best I can describe his writing, he gives us a taste into the forgiveness that blesses us all.  And great photos too!

Miriam of Out An’ About gave us a wonderful post on an evening of creativity and discovery in Melbourne.  There was such connection and compassion, including a building with this question in lights: “What if you forgive someone today?” Outstanding!

And in case you missed it from last week: 🙂

DeBorah of Roaming Urban Gypsy shared a gorgeous poem of the Beloved — it’s an outpouring of love for all humanity illustrating the beauty of each one of us. Thank you, DeB!

And a blog post that I found inspiring today:

Cee of Cee’s Photography shared six words that inspired me to use every opportunity for my learning, upliftment, and growth.  Simple, yes!  Easy, not always. 🙂  Beautifully done, Cee!


As I open up to forgiveness, I don’t know exactly what will happen.  What I do know is this:  Forgiveness is a natural way to let the loving in to the very center of my beingness.  It’s as simple as breathing in and breathing out.

I’d like to end with a poem I wrote at the beginning of my path to forgiveness coaching. I reread I last night when I really needed a friend. ❤

I love you.



***This post is my contribution for The Daily Post’s A Face in the Crowd and Frank’s Challenge, Shape. Frank, I found how judgment affects even the shape of my own face, and through forgiveness the joy shines through with a smile!  Pretty amazing, thank you!!***


The Effects of Forgiveness J-R quote

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Include #ForgivingFridays in your tags
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you. 
  • Have fun – you are awesome!!  


Here’s the poem I read to myself last night:

What if……

Every day was a day

To love

Drink in the love….it starts starts starts with

you receiving your own blessing.

What if…..

Every day was a day to


See and hear and feel the wings of

L-O-V-E singing its name (OH what is that name, help ok got it ____ peace)

The dove comes to you not in your

Understand, not in your Coax, not in the -ing of

These things

It comes in the “What if…..?” The

questioning of your being-ness, the hyphen shows

the way because it connects you,

every breath, every



to the God, the source, the river

of going home.

With “I forgive”



Forgiving Fridays banner facebook


48 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: the Incredible Natural Joy of Forgiveness

  1. Love natural joy! All is forgiven and what is left is joy abundantly. Cos forgiving connects me to the purity of my love. And next door to loving is joy. Keep circling up and up. Blessings for a lovely weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is beautiful, Anne! I’ve heard it said (from an awesome spiritual mentor 🙂 ) that love is the healer, and joy is the expression. And I’m adding that forgiveness is a key to help open the door.

      Love this: “Cos forgiving connects me to the purity of my love.” Anne, you are amazing. I love you, hope you had a great weekend. Debbie


    1. Etta, thank you! Every day is a day for us to SOAR! 🙂 Love that. You are a sweetheart. And I just read your contribution to #ForgivingFridays for this week, it is full of wisdom and courage. Bless you, Etta. Talk soon. Love, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Another Excellent post Debbie!! Lord Lift Us Up where we Belong! We depend on God/Universe to help us ascend to higher heights! Yes we must forgive ourselves and do our best not to be so hard on ourselves. Being humans of course we slip but you go back, apologize and keep in moving. I’m moving forward by being a Wellness Warrior!

    Hugs and Love from DeBorah to Deb,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are absolutely a Wellness & Spiritual Warrior, DeB! I just read your recent contribution for #ForgivingFridays. I love how you are taking care of yourself …. what a gift of loving. I am honored to share it with this week’s post. What I love about forgiveness is that it’s as simple as breathing in and breathing out. ❤ Love that, and love to you! Blessings, DeBorah — Debbie


    1. Pragalbha, this is a gorgeous comment….how do you always get the essence of what I’m sharing in the blog? 🙂 🙂 Thank you for your caring, your thoughtfulness, and your wonderful contributions! Have a wonderful week, Pragalbha. I hold you as amazing too in my heart. Love, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful and courageous. One of my favourite meditations for stopping a thought-loop is : “May you be happy. May you be well. May you be safe.” Something about this intention of self-forgiveness helps me to melt the judgment. Beautiful pictures! Thank you, Debbie, for sharing your experience!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh this is a wonderful set of intentions, or affirmations. Thank you for sharing! ❤ I'm trying it right now.

      My spiritual mentor says God is intention (or the presence of love, if you don't relate to God). I love that your intention of Self-forgiveness helps you. So glad you are here, Shirley. Be in touch anytime – I think you have my email?
      Blessings, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Debbue, hugs. We can only do our best, learn grow and change with each experience. And sometimes, we need to learn to be able to let go right in the situation so then we dont feel bad after wards. Like i said baby steps.

    Debbie, may i be naughty and ask you to visit my site. I am running a meditation challenge on my blog from 12th to 25 th feb last day tomorrow. In total 7 meditations commentaries. It would great if you could listen the all over the next week. I just know your heart and Soul will find great peace and many answers.

    Love and light bella

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bella thank you for your loving encouragement. I really get your caring! And congratulations to you for creating a meditation challenge, that’s beautiful. Sending love and Light to all who participated. Bella, blessings to you in all ways. So glad you’re here. Love, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So true, Frank! It’s really one step at a time into conscious awareness, isn’t it? And those small steps over time produce magnificent results. You are wonderful, and I’m so glad you’re doing the photo challenges that you do. (And I just saw the one for this week on hills – awesome! I already have a hint of inspiration). Blessings to you Frank — Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Forgiveness can be hard– but you’re right there is joy in forgiveness. When someone is “grumpy”– looking past the grumps with forgiveness and love is so worthwhile. Blessings to you Debbie. You keep us thinking… xox

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Good morning Friday,
    I m new here and my English is limited. But fact is that I can feel and don`t need too much words.
    I think many people have to learn forgiving as we never should stop learning by experience every day.
    “forgiveness is a key to help open the door.”, that`s my experience too!!
    And we can learn from our pets and children.
    Thank you Debbie and have a wonderful day today!!
    Jürgen from Loy (Pete as Blogger)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jürgen it is so lovely to meet you. I love your blog. 🙂 I am very glad that this post was helpful for you. Yes, experience — that is so important above and beyond language. And pets and children bring in so much love. You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself. Have a good weekend, Jürgen (or Pete as a blogger). Blessings, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

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