Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Results of My 7 Day “Quiet My Mind” Retreat!

Happy #ForgivingFridays everyone!   Yay!  This is an opportunity for YOU to share about forgiveness & post about it  ANY DAY this week!  You can post a poem or a photo (or even a video like one of this week’s contributors), or you can write about what happens when you  “quiet your mind” like I did.  Or simply do a post with two words, “I Forgive”.  (See guidelines below ❤ )  

***This post is my contribution for Nikki’s Creative Prompt, Time. It is also my contribution to The Daily Post’s photo challenge, Collage.  Thank you both!***

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is about the results of my 7 day retreat to quiet my mind!

This past week, I took 7 amazing days to quiet my mind, do forgiveness, and ask myself, “What’s next for Debbie?”  Each day, I journaled, breathed consciously, meditated, wrote a poem, and of course… did compassionate self-forgiveness.

What touches my heart is the courage that I had to open to ME, to the deep, true, abiding me …. I got so much more than I bargained for.

The most important thing that I found is this:

Everything that I need is inside of me.  By the end of the 7 days, I was having DIRECT EXPERIENCE with the presence of love within me.

It was amazing. I wrote a poem about it. (It came out in 3 minutes!!!) See below.

When I started this challenge, I wrote how I allowed the past to hold me back.  In these 7 days, I let go of SO MUCH old stuff.  I watched myself go from wanting outer approval and feeling stuck to looking inside for my answers.  I hated myself, loved myself, struggled with myself, and accepted myself.

Here are the 7 qualities I focused on, one each day to quiet my mind and go for what I want:





*Unconditional Love



I did a video to document each quality — with tips to help you.  Click here for the series.

I especially would love for you to watch my video on “humility”.  I realized I was playing small, like “Who am I to share this forgiveness work?”  When I quieted my mind and focused inside, I had incredible clarity and confidence & talked about my mom’s murder and how important it is to choose love:


I wrote down key awareness on a collage above my bed – it was so much fun:

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There’s so much more I want to say.  The last thing I want to do (for now 🙂 ) is to forgive any judgments that may still be present about going for what I want.  I forgive myself.  I forgive myself.  And once more, I forgive myself!


I am grateful for all of you who contribute to Forgiving Fridays.  I learn so much from you!  Here are this week’s contributions:

Etta of  Simply Etta D. gave us a beautiful invitation to dress for success and know we are worthy of that.

Stella of Giggles and Tales shared fantastic steps on letting go of our mistakes and forgiving ourselves.

Bella of ThoughtsnLifeBlog  did TWO posts for Forgiving Fridays this week – and she’s a first time contributor!

First is a beautiful meditation on how to forgive and let go

Second is her poem and two quotes on the incredible value of forgiveness

Jim McDonald from My Head to Yours wrote a story with 3 of my words that ends with hope for something better – another first-time contributor!

In case you missed it – Karma Knits Love wrote a beautiful piece last week of how love matters for each of us

And last but certainly not least 🙂

Frank of Dutch Goes the Photo included Forgiving Connects in his photo challenge on History (his photo challenges are so great – thank you Frank!)


If you do a 7 day retreat to quiet your mind, or want to do one, I am so happy to help and hear how it goes for you!!  Please comment below or email me.   I love you.

Love, Debbie

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Tag your post with #ForgivingFridays
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you. ❤
  • Have fun – you are awesome!!  


Here’s the poem on Day 7 – Presence:

Staying present
Ah, it seems so
easy, so simple, Stay present, she said. Ah (a
laugh that is a little ridiculed in the echoes
MIND. In the presence, none is a laugh)
That is not true, she said.
That was her emotions, her feelings, the joy that
hides underneath was crying (we’ll never know if
the boy left in the reality, because it is what she 
before her. Ah wah, she cried, so forgive) Forgive
Forgive that too, is it distasteful? Body, oh now
let’s get to something bad.
It shits, it sleeps, it eats, and wants, and needs to 
breathe. Ah Beloved, do you need anything
as a reminder, of the glory of your body,
of your emotions (that memory is healed in love),
of your mind, the beauty that you want in
someone outside is in
all of this. Embrace,
the presence,
the Soul of who you are. The dirt and the grace,
that is the gold that you walk on. The child
that you are is of 
God. Be the love this of you is all 
I ask. Full and fill and know, dear one,
I am always with you.
-D Roth


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44 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Results of My 7 Day “Quiet My Mind” Retreat!

    1. Thank you Nikki! Your prompt really fit in perfectly. Time in this case was such a friend to me. In the past, I’ve sometimes felt “urgency” or in resistance. This 7 days, I was in cooperation and opened to miracles. Love you. Debbie


  1. Debbie, this is one of those post I need to return to, because it is jam packed with so much learning. Your 7 days have been life changing it seems. I must say you really have so much energy.

    Thanks for sharing as always. I wull be back to reread this tine with pen and paper.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Bella, thanks for this beautiful comment. Yes, it was so transformative for me.
      I’d love to know how it goes for you, if you try any of the tips / steps I used, or play with the qualities of each day. 🙂 Feel free to email me or message me on Facebook!
      I am loving you. Be blessed, Bella. ~Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I so wish there was a LOVE button! Your posts are always on point and touch the soul. I love the poem. I looked in the mirror yesterday and went EEKK@ my thunder thighs, my belly skirt from two C-Sections. Then I closed my eyes and said, I love you. I love my thunder thighs, my scars from pregnancy and the Universe for grounded me in Self-Love, Forgiveness and Happy. Then I got all dressed up!! 😉

    Liked by 4 people

    1. EttaD, this almost made me cry. I love the method that you used – to just pause, close your eyes, love yourself, and dress like that! I’d love to see a photo, I bet you look marvelous. 🙂

      I remember there was a personal growth seminar I attended (called Insight), where at one point, the facilitators recommended we dress as good as we feel the next day. I really paid attention, and the choosing of my clothes was a nurturing act of self-love.

      Have a blessed week, and thanks for sharing – and thanks as well for all of your amazing contributions to Forgiving Fridays. Love to you EttaD! Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Debbie, I think you just gave me an idea. I’m going to do a photo journal of my different dress-up moods 😉

        I had a friend of mine who told me the same thing, she said it doesn’t matter how bad you’re feeling, “get up, dress up and go somewhere.”

        Same to you have an awesome week.
        Love and light to you Debbie xxx

        Liked by 2 people

      2. EttaD oh I love this! If you do it, I’d love to see it somehow…. Maybe there are ways to send me photos and/or post about it on your blog. (Or even do an online journal, if you want to).

        I appreciate the creative collaboration that we seem to have. 🙂 So fun and joyful to me. Blessings, EttaD. And thanks again for a great and moving contribution. Love, Debbie

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much, Debbie, for sharing your journey with us and teaching as you go ❤ There is so much in what you share that is precisely what I need to hear and see as an example!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m so glad to hear that. Forgiveness is something I’ve worked on for many years, and it is one of my key ways to take care of myself. I’m still working on it being a nurturing act (does that make sense?) … I’m continuously learning and am grateful for the lessons most of the time. 🙂

      Sending you blessings. Loved your contribution for Forgiving Fridays. Feel free to share again anytime! Love and peace, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  4. First of all Debbie, I love love the title of “Quiet my Mind Retreat!” Don’t we all need that?? And i hope you did get a lot of clarity on what’s next for Debbie. You have a lot of talent and I hope God puts it to good use. Happy weekend ahead!! Do you have plans?? I’m mostly staying home to work feverishly on a quilt for a new grand-baby coming soon! Take care friend! xox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Rhonda! I’ve been catching up on my blog and also preparing for a wonderful online class I’m offering this Friday, “Self-Forgiveness and Relationships”. And my partner and I are about to go to the Farmers Market. What an act of self-love and nurturing 🙂

      I love what you’re doing this weekend!!! Light and peace and love for every morsel of that quilt and to your grand-baby to be. Such good news. I love your relationship with your family!! Blessings, Debbie


    1. Thank you so much, Bernice. My giving comes pretty naturally out of learning with my own process and through the spiritual awakening I’ve experienced. Happy weekend back to you! So lovely to connect. Hope all is well, and ever so many blessings to you, Bernice. 🙂 ~Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello dear Debbie…
    What an amazing post. Your video had me tingling and with a tear in my eyes.
    I truly hope you do believe that your playing small is withholding your love that you have so much to offer others. You do no one especially yourself any favours by hiding your beautiful light, my friend.
    May you give yourself the permission now to shine your light to show others the path ahead…
    So happy to read you made great progress during this week. Your dear mum was such an inspiration to you and I’m sure by sharing her with us there is healing for you…
    Much love,
    Di 💐💕💐

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Di, you are SUCH a sweetheart. Your comments are full of caring, and each word is like an action of love. Do you know that? Anyway, I really appreciate your presence on my blog, and I hope that this post was valuable for you. Congratulations again on your upcoming move to London – very exciting. Blessings, Debbie ps – a big smile to you this day, Di!! ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello dear Debbie…that’s such a beautiful reply and I am touched. Thank you for your amazing words and yes, I think you will absolutely agree that we just want others to have a happy life and anything we can say to encourage that means a lot to the giver…
        Thank you again for your warm wishes on our move…that means a lot.
        Thank you too for your blessings, and smile, not to mention love…
        Sending all three to you…

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I`m so glad this week gave you so many gifts, I finally spent some time in quiet contemplation (I decided to eat a late lunch on my balcony with a book!) and the healing came on fast & furious, I can imagine your week, you must be buzzing with healing energy! Thank you for sharing, your light is a beacon…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh this is a beautiful comment. Thank you for sharing your experience …. I’m so glad to hear that quiet contemplation was so healing for you. ❤

      YES this week was incredibly powerful for me. I'm still integrating the learnings. One of the profound shifts I made is to have a direct experience of the presence inside of me. It's a prayer of my heart. Many, many blessings – Debbie 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hello Debbie, Such a great post as always. Your posts are full of positive energies and always come out powerfully. Thank you for all that you do every week to inspire and motivate us.

    I’m a bit late because I got very busy over the weekend. But I finally pulled through and here is my post. Take good care and have a really super week. Cheers and big cyber hugs to you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay, that’s awesome Stella! I’ll go check it out now. Loving your contributions. You are a sweetheart and you light up my day 🙂 Have a super week too …. Peace and big hugs to you, Stella.

      You are so welcome for the inspiration – moves me deeply. 🙂 Love, Debbie


      1. I’m glad to be a part of this awesome weekly exercise. It’s a way to exhale and inject new inspiration into our minds. Enjoy your day and see you soon again. Cheers. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh Wendy, thank you. I am so touched by your caring and empathy. My heart feels warm (truly!!) — you are a gift to me and this blogging community. I’m so glad this post was valuable for you. My love right back to you Wendy! Blessings, Debbie 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so welcome, Maniparna. I’m glad it touched you …. it was truly a wonderful lesson in what my heart speaks & profoundly moved me. Loving and blessings your way, Maniparna – have a great weekend!


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