Today’s Forgiving Fridays: An Honest Look at Myself

Today is Forgiving Fridays – yay! Please post about forgiveness – ANY day this week & anything that inspires you to forgive!  (See guidelines below ❤ )

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is An Honest Look at Myself.

I got voted off as a Team Leader for a committee that I was on last night.

God, I cried.  And I got angry.  And I blamed myself and others.  Then, I stopped, breathed, and laid down on my bed.  I took a good, long look at what I may have to learn about leadership.

I realized that I had not honored certain members of the group, and that I didn’t listen with loving to myself and to them.  Funny thing is that when I joined the group, I put a stickie note on my bathroom with: “Honor myself and others” & “Listen”.

Time for Forgiveness (thank God!):

I forgive myself for judging myself for blaming other people for things I need to learn. I forgive myself for judging myself as a bad leader for getting voted off in this group.  I forgive myself for buying into the belief that the “task” is more important than the loving.

I let all this go today with a simple phrase, I LOVE IT ALL!!!  Thank you to me, to the members of the group, and to Spirit for showing me how to love more deeply, and to listen.

FOUR bloggers contributed to ForgivingFridays this week – yay!  Here are their beautiful sharings:

K E Garland shared the tremendous value of getting free from others’ opinions. wrote about the freedom and tenderness of decluttering space.

RhapsodyBoheme contributed a beautiful photo about her journey of awakening.

Infinite Living has a poem of the profoundness of making peace with ourselves.


Have you ever gotten a wake up call to be honest with yourself?  How did you handle it? Is there anything that you’d still like to forgive?

Forgiveness starts inside.  My commitment is to learn that with every fiber of my being.  And I invite you to join me, however that creates a safe space inside of you.

I love you.

Love, Debbie

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

    • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
    • Free free to be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Whatever inspire forgiving inside you.
    • Tag your post with #ForgivingFridays (here’s a great WordPress article about tagging posts)
    • Create a pingback link to this post. This way, I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week.
    • Have fun creating your own form of forgiving, of loving YOU!!


    Ps – here’s a neat poem I wrote for Forgiving Fridays:


  • To. Forgive. NOW

    What is Friday?

    If not a day

    Oh God, no more

    YES, Beloved,

    a nother, one

    more day to



    Now. Yes. I do.

    -D. Roth


59 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: An Honest Look at Myself

  1. I am living with my mother, who turns 90 on Monday, and I really had a hard look at myself through her behavior. It’s amazing to me that I have developed some of her annoying habits. So not only do I have to forgive her for her example, I need to forgive myself for not realizing sooner that I needed to change my behavior. What is that behavior, you ask? Self-righteousness! Come Lord Jesus and bring healing!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. So beautiful! What a good awareness. 💜 Maybe there’s an opportunity to let go of righteousness and open to the grace of doing that! Anyway, I’m so glad you’re here and that you shared. Thank you. Blessings, Debbie

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  2. …the “task” is more important than the loving.
    I let all this go today with a simple phrase, I LOVE IT ALL!!! 

    I am going to use this today 🙂 Thank you!

    I also wish to offer the correction that my blog name is Infinite Living and not Infinity 🙂 No worries about until now …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I’m so glad this post was helpful. ❤ Thanks again for contributing, it's truly an honor to have your poetry as a part of Forgiving Fridays. And SO SORRY for misspelling the name of your blog. 🙂 I'll change it right now. Love to you, and so many blessings to you and your son too. Debbie

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    1. Oh thank you Lacey! This is such a sweet thing to say. And so glad you enjoyed the other posts. Weren’t they beautiful?

      Feel free to contribute to Forgiving Fridays anytime. 😊 Sending you blessings.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a great story Debbie and what true achievement of personal growth. We all want to succeed and criticism is tough to swallow sometimes if not taken in a constructive manner. Most will point the finger and blame others, but we can impact the perception and how people feel about us by looking within. And if it was a matter of being judged wrong, then we do ourselves a favor releasing the anger. We are healthier that way and attain a freedom that is very liberating. Good for you and thank you again. Hugs

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Wow this is an amazing reply. Thanks for your wisdom, especially about the power of looking inside and also releasing the hurt, and the anger.

      Love that you contributed to Forgiving Fridays! It’s a weekly post so feel free to contribute again, anytime. It is an honor. 💜


      1. Thank you so much Debbie, I appreciate your kind words and the honor was all mine as you asked me to contribute. I appreciate the invitation for future posts and know that I will contribute again. Of course for your consideration and under no pressure for you to publish or include my ramblings in your weekly post. But if it fits the vibe, I’m honored.
        Keep up the great work and thank you for everything you do for all of us out here. It’s a pleasure to come to your blog, see that big smile of yours and instantly feel lifted. Hugs….

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I would be honored and touched for you to contribute again. Truly! It’s a privilege to know you. 🙂 So glad that we connected on wordpress. You have a lovely blog, and your presence is so welcome here. Blessings, Debbie love and happiness to you….


      3. Your words are truly humbling and too kind Debbie. It is people like you who make the difference and my life is richer having connected with you. Thank you and much blessings and love for you. Hugs

        Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s a very courageous way of dealing with this setback. Then again, as you say, there is a chance for learning in every setback. It’s easier to say for those not directly affected. All the more I’m impressed how quickly you turned this situation around for yourself. Usually takes me weeks and years….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you! I really got the caring and compassion of your comment. I do my best to learn from every situation I’m in, and to use it as an opportunity to awaken to greater loving. Sometimes easier said than done, right? 😊

      Thanks again for your contribution, it is so beautiful. Feel free to contribute to Forgiving Fridays anytime! People loved your sharing.
      Blessings, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy! Happy Mother’s Day to you too. 💜 I loved your post on your relationship with your daughter.
      My mom passed about 10 years ago, I plan to celebrate her by being kind and loving, which she did with bells on!
      Thanks again Kathy for your contribution, it touched my heart and you are so great. I love you, Debbie

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  5. I am reminded of “Every knock’s a boost”. And the blessings that come in disguise. We are such winners in this life! The worst can be re-framed. Your human spirit is extraordinary.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You said it, Anne. I am really living each experience as a blessing and am open to continued learning with grace! So glad you are here, you contribute so much to this blog. I love you, my friend! 💜 PS – YOU are extraordinary – your heart expresses so much loving and joy


  6. I like what Anne Naylor said, blessings come in disguise. This experience is a learning moment! It’s amazing how honest and forgiving you are to yourself, so important in growing! Love and blessings to you, Debbie.😇❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Mary, you are so right on! It is a learning, gifted by Spirit for me to step into my loving leadership with listening and so much grace. I am so glad you are here, Mary. You add so much to my blog. Funny that you mentioned Anne Naylor – she’s a personal friend of mine and I could see you two really getting along, from what I sense of you. 💜
      Much love, and hope you have a wonderful day with your son on Mother’s Day!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think it’s great that you see the lessons during painful times and change. Not everyone realizes this and don’t accept the gift. I noticed Anne’s comment and liked it. I’ll have to che k out her blog, if she has one.I love being here, so thanks for accepting and loving my presence. I love having you read my blog as well. I will enjoy both my sons today, one is taking me to lunch and one is home from college . Happy Mother’s Day to you, friend.😁🌈💗

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  7. Congratulations of winning Team Leader Debbie. I’m sure you will do it great! I think you did a great job by reaching all these bloggers for Forgiving Fridays! It’s so cool that they all joined! I also really love your poem this week, totally suits the forgiving fridays you do everyweek. Love them! Have a wonderful weekend, Anne

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Anne! Yes, I was so happy with the number of bloggers who participated this week. Yay!
      And thanks for your nice words about my poem, that’s really sweet. You made me smile, Anne. I bet you’re a good writer, too. Feel free to connect anytime, you are a joy!
      Blessings, Debbie

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  8. Hi Debbie– so sorry you had to go through this difficult experience– but it sounds like you learned from it so quickly! Hope the committee moves ahead well and you are able to make the most of it! love to you!! xox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG thanks!! Two keys that I find so important are: Forgiveness starts inside & Forgiving ourselves is where it’s at! 🙂 I love you! Thanks for being here. Blessings Miriam, and hope your job is going SUPER well. ~Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The drama or the job? ❤ Sorry I need to go to your blog and catch up!!! Will do soon! Love you Miriam.

        By the way, I'm doing a free online intro class, "The Soothing Voice of Forgiveness" … feel free to email if you're called to it! Of course, completely fine if not too! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Debbie, sorry to read your post and found out that your were voted off to be the leader of the team. It is such a big blow to your heart, your trust to the team members. Yes, I can imagine that I would be angry, I would cry and be discouraged. I don’t have too many words to say. Praying for you! It happened that I made this post nine days ago. Let me know if I linked it correctly. Love, Miriam

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Miriam this is wonderful! You included #ForgivingFridays, which is great. The only other thing you need to do is include a pingback to this post. This helps me to know that you posted! (It’s similar to Frank’s photo challenge) Here’s the link to include if helpful, Miriam:

      So many blessings, and I’ll include your post in my write up on Friday! Love you, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I really love that poem, Debbie. Thank you again for reminding me how wonderful it is to just forgive, it’s beneficial to daily living. xxx


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