Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Wow Did I Nurture Me!

aringThis is my contribution to #ForgivingFridays – you can join in on your blog any day this week.   It’s also my post for Dutch Goes the Photo’s Challenge, Mystery. Frank, I am in the mystery of knowing myself as love… Asking myself every morning now.  It is a beautiful ride.  Thank you so much.

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is Wow Did I Nurture Me!

Have you done Forgiving Fridays yet? Please join in (guidelines below!).

Last week, three beautiful bloggers contributed a sharing on forgiveness. Ali of Flashlight Batteries brought us a poem, “Reflections of Grace”.  I read it and almost started crying.  Sanved Doshi is the 11 year old son of blogger, Infinity Living – he wrote THREE poems such as one titled, “Fun Time?” (so good).  And Simply Etta D. shared gorgeous quotes that resonate with forgiveness. All three posts illustrate that forgiveness comes in many forms – including poetry and quotes! Thank you for these stunning sharings. ❤

For me this week, I want to share with you that each morning for 33 days, I asked how I could nurture me.  It has so moved my heart.

What this taught me is to keep going.  The reason is that I kept starting and stopping (and I had committed to 33 days!).  Each time I forgot, I started again.  This showed me that I will really really really stand up for me – until I find love.

I have a prayer to love myself.  To experience peace.  Well, this daily act of nurturing whispered to me, you are worthy of love.  Now, I am sitting here asking a deeper knowing, that I AM LOVE.

Time for forgiveness

I forgive myself for judging myself for still seeing myself as worthy or unworthy of love. I forgive myself for judging that love is something outside of me, something to attain. I forgive myself, and I just breathe and let go.

The gratitude I have today is thank you, thank you, thank you to me for showing up again and again with this nurturing me.


Today, I find myself on a beautiful patio overlooking the water.  I am asking the question, How Do I know that I am love?  Right now, I don’t have the answer to that.  What I do know is I’ll get there.  And that is enough.

I invite you to join me in Forgiving Fridays, however that love and compassion expresses itself inside of YOU.

Thanks for reading. I love you.

Love, Debbie

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Free free to be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Whatever inspire forgiving inside you.
  • Tag your post with #ForgivingFridays (here’s a great WordPress article about tagging posts)
  • Create a pingback link to this post. This way, I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week.
  • Have fun creating your own form of forgiving, of loving YOU!!

27 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Wow Did I Nurture Me!

    1. Yay that’s great! I have a little purple sheet so that I can write down what I hear each morning about nurturing me! (in case it helps) Thanks so much again for the poetry you and Sanved shared with me!! Beautiful. Love and blessings to you both.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is a good nudge Debbie, thank you …I am hoping I make this as much of a practice as I can 🙂
        Sanved received a big boost in his being through your sharing his poetry, so all my pleasure! Ease and joy to you.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Staying committed to myself if not easy. I like your 33 days of practice idea and to just start over when I get off track. On a daily basis it is always about forgiving myself and starting again.
    Thank you for sharing my poem on your blog. I hope it will resonate with and inspire your readers.
    Love to you Debbie. Keep shining your light.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ali, I love what you’re sharing. Forgiving yourself and just starting again each day is a true blessing and self-honoring. Be compassionate and gentle with yourself, Ali. 🙂 Your poem is awesome, and I am so happy to have it as a contribution for Forgiving Fridays!! Love to you too, Ali. Thanks so much again, ~Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I needed to read these words today, in the middle of so much, I often forget the lovely nurturing things I want to do or bring into my life (hello, adult colouring book, meditation mat and unlit candles, etc.!), I know now that the most important thing is to keep on trying,,,thank you, Debbie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you are so welcome Kimberlee! Glad that it reminded you of things you’d like to do to nurture YOU (and I love your activities so much fun and love). One step – one breath – at a time. Really learning that. Sending you blessings my friend, and love, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi beautiful Nikki! I’m going to do my next Forgiving Fridays post tomorrow, so if you have a contribution feel free to post it tonight! (Just be sure to include a pingback to this post plus #ForgivingFridays). I love you! ❤


  3. Your forgiving focus is inspiring to me. I love how organically it is growing and expanding so beautifully. Blessings to you for a wondrous week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Anne! You have been – and are – a big part of my forgiving focus. I am present to the Lao Tzu quote how the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Blessings to you my friend. I love you Anne. ❤


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