Today’s forgiving journal: The Courage to Forgive

Today’s forgiving journal is about the courage to forgive. 
I did a forgiveness video today with simple tips to forgive when we REALLY don’t want to forgive.
That made me think, What is it that I don’t want to forgive? If I’m doing this forgiving work … if I’m really walking my talk … then I need to look at the exact thing that I am resisting. (And a dear mentor once said, “Pain x resistance = suffering)
What I don’t want to forgive is this feeling that I’ve been abandoned. I could go into the story of it, and I don’t really see it as necessary. I’m going to pause to see what is necessary to share. OK, what’s necessary to share is that I so want someone to take care of me. It feels like my heart hurts, and I have such a frowny look on my face, of a very deep hurt.
When it comes right down to it, I feel alone sometimes. God that hurts.
I’m going to do the simple tips from my video as my forgiving process for today:
1 – Get it out: UCH I DO NOT WANT TO BE ABANDONED!! Don’t leave me alone. 😦
2 – Pause and put my hand on my heart: Done
3 – Take 3 deep breaths: Done!
4 – Say “I love and accept myself exactly as I am”: I love and accept myself exactly as I am.
What I’m aware of right now is a smile on my face, more relaxed shoulders, and loving softness in my eyes. Also a gratitude that I did that video this morning, because it really helped me with this right now.
I love you!A Single Step June 21 2016

16 thoughts on “Today’s forgiving journal: The Courage to Forgive

  1. Very inspiring post Debbie. It’s allowing ourselves to feel the emotion and then once we get acquainted with it, we make the decision to detach ourselves from it-acceptance and moving on! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Very inspiring to me, Debbie. I can relate to the idea of abandonment and wanting to be taken care of. All of God’s blessings to you!

    Liked by 2 people

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