Today’s Forgiving Fridays – How to Love My Upset (thank you Buddha!)

Happy #ForgivingFridays everyone! Yay! This is an opportunity for you to let go and forgive.  You can do your post ANY DAY this week! Anything that inspires YOU to forgive and choose love – even if you’re struggling.  e.g., write a poem, share a quote or video, do an act of kindness, forgive yourself or someone else. 🙂 I look forward to see what you do!

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is how to love my upset!

As I was driving in to work, I started crying.  A part of me doesn’t want to move.  I’ve moved so much in the past few years.  I just want to rest, and to avoid feeling the uncertainty of where I’m moving (I don’t know yet!) and whether I’m moving in with David (my partner 🙂 ).

I did four simple steps this morning to help me forgive and be really good to myself – including walking the labyrinth!  And I made a video out of them for today’s #ForgivingFridays.

I’m sharing this in the hopes that it may help you to forgive too.  Friday is a great reminder that you can let go of whatever you’re upset about & be really good to yourself.

You’ll see 4 simple steps in the video:

Step 1:  Take a pause

It sounds simple and can make a big difference.  I am aware that I can push down my feelings and think there’s something wrong with them.  When I took a pause today, I reminded myself to be ok with exactly where I am.  Acceptance is a gift!

Step 2: Tune inside

Take a short, silent break to contact the love and wisdom inside.  It may be a prayer, a meditation, or saying your affirmations (Right, Nikki?  Nikki picks affirmation cards every day I think.)

I walked the labyrinth!  When I move my body physically, somehow that helps me to tune inside and be present to my inner guidance.

As I walked, I said prayers for my move and my life.

Step 3: Forgive yourself – what else? 🙂 

If you notice judgments coming up with whatever it is that’s upsetting to you, just forgive them.  It’s a great way to accept where you are, release the upset and come back to your own loving.

It can be really easy!  I use the phrase “I forgive myself for judging …. “ and enter what the judgment is.  For example:

I forgive myself for judging myself for feeling scared about my move.

I forgive myself for judging myself for wanting all my ducks in a row.  

& a biggie….

I forgive myself for judging myself for forgetting that home is inside of me.

Step 4: Have a reminder

Remind yourself that you are the love!  That love is the way.  I have love sunglasses ❤ .  This way, if I get upset again later, I can put on my sunglasses to help me choose love and receive the nurturing of that.

So this is a reminder to love yourself today, to forgive on this #ForgivingFriday.

I also want you to know that as I walked the labyrinth, I sent a prayer to each of you.


I am SO SO grateful for all of you who contribute to Forgiving Fridays.  I learn so much from you!  Here are contributions from this week & some from last week too – they were magnificent:

Etta of Simply Etta D. gave us incredible keys on doing habits of Self-care.  Plus, she writes about her own experience – with Belly Dancing!  Go Etta!

Pragalbha of Infinite Living shared a poem on the courage it takes to let go of self-judgment and invites us into a deep experience of self-compassion and kindness.  This is so important.

Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking contributed a short poem called “Food of Love” – each word I read was like a drop of wisdom and peace.  Forgiveness takes many forms!

Anita of Healing Words wrote a heart-warming post on losing her dog and how she helped herself by listing what makes her heart sing. So simple and powerful!  Bless you, Anita. 🙂

Revived Writer contributed a gorgeous poem on love and the freedom of forgiveness to help us remember that we are all love. Her words radiate caring – thank you!

In case you missed it from last week:

Sgeoil contributed a gorgeous poem and photo on embracing the moment and living in joy.  I felt the energy of joy come off the post!

Nikki of A Kinder Way illustrated the many benefits of Morning Pages, including clarity on how to handle a conversation and – you guessed it – doing Self-forgiveness. Such a creative technique!

Kathy of KE Garland started a new monthly blog post of consciously choosing to blog about someone or something great – positively on purpose.  How cool is that?


I’d like to end with a quote from Buddha – to me, he’s saying that we can see through the eyes of love because we ARE love.

(Second Sedona photo is by David Sand, my partner.)

It’s really courageous to forgive.  So however you do that today, acknowledge yourself for your courage and strength of heart.  I do – I acknowledge myself and you!

I love you.



**This is my contribution to RagTag’s challenge Contact and Frank’s photo challenge, Row. Frank, I often want to have my ducks in a row.  The truth is, the row is inside of me – it is love and guides me perfectly! Thank you for this amazing challenge.  I love them!**


Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Include #ForgivingFridays in your tags
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you.
  • Have fun – you are awesome!

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David Sand photography




40 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays – How to Love My Upset (thank you Buddha!)

    1. You are so welcome! I’m so glad the steps were helpful 🙂 🙂 And yes, aren’t the labyrinth photos great? It’s in the grounds of a place called the Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens in L.A. (which has been written up as a spiritual oasis in the city). Truly gorgeous!

      Good to hear from you. I hope you are doing really well. Many blessings — Debbie

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  1. Wonderful post! As you know I can identify with that fear of moving. It’s a hard and sometimes painful process but you can do it. You’re full of strength, forgiveness and love! Wonderful post as always, that labyrinth is amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Etta. I really appreciate your encouragement. I have the sense that love is guiding me in perfect ways – and you too! One of the greatest teachings I know from my spiritual mentor J-R is that the key is to use everything for our upliftment, learning and growth. Isn’t that profound? It’s a deep prayer and intention of mine.

      Much love Etta. Drop me a line and let me know how you are ❤ . Sending you blessings!


  2. The courage and beauty of life process behind your life choices comes across deeply and is a profound teaching in itself dear Debbie. It is so simple – to pause, accept, forgive, love – yet it can be most difficult until we make it a practice and truly experience where it leads. Wish you the most of love, ease & joy as you find beautiful joys of tomorrow waiting for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Pragalbha! I love how you capture the essence of what I share in my blog. 😊 I bet you are doing the steps that help you to experience forgiveness. You have such wisdom and courage! Have a wonderful week, Pragalbha. Blessings, Debbie

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  3. I find it easy to forgive myself if I have not been good to myself or have upset others. I have great diffiuilty forgiving others who are currently causing me grief . I accept that i can change myself but cannot change others. Did you see my blog on ‘Elder Abuse ‘ ?

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  4. I am reminded that Sacred and Scared come close together. Scared can lead to the sacred because it may be a call to the Divine. Where all is love, and peace and forgiveness. Blessings to your majestic move, wherever it takes you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is really beautiful, Anne – and a timely reminder for me right now. (I’m reading this when I’m a little more in the scared). All is truly love, and I know in my heart that love is guiding me perfectly. I have a process I’m doing each day to forgive and give my little girl a hug and invite her home inside. It’s time for that! 🙂

      I love you. Thanks for the encouragement and the Light. Sending you love and blessings.

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  5. Thank you for your blog, Debbie. I appreciate the reminder to take a pause. That is extremely important for all of life, not only forgiveness! There is also a labyrinth painted on the ground at my church, and you inspired me to walk through it again.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh I’m so glad you walked the labyrinth in your church. Isn’t it such a good way to pause and unwind our minds? 🙂 🙂 Thank you for sharing and for being here. Blessings to you – Debbie


  6. Beautiful post, Debbie. Something that is related to what you spoke of in this video is accepting myself without judgments when I am tired, grumpy, scared, angry, upset. For so long I was so hard on myself thinking it was “wrong” of me, not loving of me, to even feel these things, much less act upon them. Breaking free of the wrongness and judgment, I am allowing myself to give voice to those things that are upsetting. And in so doing, I set myself free. Bless you for what you share and how you live your life. You are amazing!!! 💝💝💝

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    1. Amy, this is wonderful! I am glad that you’re able to give voice to the things that upset you, and it sounds like you’re creating a safe space inside to accept all the parts of you. ❤ Yay! Good to hear.

      Sending you much love and Light. You're welcome to contribute to #ForgivingFridays if you want to.
      Many blessings, Debbie

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  7. My forgiving is done almost every day at sunset. I have a small fish pond and after I feed the fish I sit, listen to the birds getting ready for bed and the quietness in general. Now my granddaughter enjoys it too so when she’s here we do it together. I live in the country and nature has always been my go to place for peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love this. What a beautiful and peaceful process! And how great that your grand daughter joins you now. I hear you on the nature, I open to such healing when I’m connecting with it. So glad this is your everyday environs, Diane. Thank you for commenting! Blessings, Debbie

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  8. Hi Debbie, yes we really are love and we need to remember that in those days when we’re our harshest critic. This is a beautiful post and I love the steps you’ve outlined, especially the pause to be kind to ourself. So important. Sending you peace, love and hugs my friend xx ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Miriam! Your comments (and your posts ❤ ) are always so full of compassion and kindness. I love that. And I love you.

      I was just thinking about you … I miss coming to your blog and will have a visit now. You are such a Light presence here on WordPress!!
      A hug to you, Miriam.

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  9. It’s okay to be overwhelmed (but I know you know that). Moving is always a change and a hassle. I’m excited for you though and can’t wait to hear about the next steps in your journey.

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    1. Thank you, Lacey so much! You’re sweet, and your comment is soothing. You’re such a great mom. 🙂

      I can’t wait to hear the next steps in my journey too. One thing I really appreciate about myself is my willingness to stand in what’s true for me.

      Sending you lots of blessings Lacey. I’ll be traveling this week so mostly off blogging (I do plan to do a brief Forgiving Fridays though – feel free to contribute if you want to. Creative posts are great, even something your kids do.)


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    1. I love, love, love your sharing and poem! It is beautiful, honest, and courageous. I’m honored to share this for #ForgivingFridays. So grateful for this, and for you. 🙂 How uplifting. Have a wonderful rest of your week. Love, Debbie


  10. “I can see everything through the eyes of love!” YES, YES, and YES! Be love. Sending you a virtual hug Debbie. I’m sure your move will be a wonderful new experience. Thanks again for re-blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You got it Kathy. I may re-blog it one more time, as I love your focus on consciously choosing to blog about something or someone great. It’s affirming, inspiring, and focusing us all in a positive direction.

      AND, how cool that you liked this sentence – “I can see everything through the eyes of love.” To me, that’s a deep heartfelt intention of mine, and I do my best to live in it.

      I love you. Bless you Kathy!
      Debbie ❤

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  11. I missed something Debbie!! Where are you moving?? Why the change? I know moving is SO much work– all that packing and all those decisions! Hope it goes well, in spite of your distress. I get it. Take care friend! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my god, Rhonda, I know!! I decided to move about a month ago, to give more space for my partner and I to check out moving in together. I’m not sure if we’re going to or not, and so I’m taking one step at a time. Can you keep me in your prayers?

      Thank you! So great to read your comment. Love to you, Rhonda. xo


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