Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Letting Go of Right and Wrong (Whew!)

Happy #ForgivingFridays everyone! Yay! This is an opportunity for you to share about forgiveness & post about it ANY DAY this week! See guidelines below. ❤ You can post whatever inspires YOU to forgive and choose love.  Maybe it’s a photo or inspiring quote, or a poem, or you can share about letting go like I did.

***This post is my contribution for The Daily Post’s Experimental and Frank’s Challenge, Bridge. Frank I’m learning so much how forgiveness is a bridge for letting go into love.***

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is letting go of right and wrong.

Today, I really demonstrated courage because I was willing to let go of what I thought was right.

This morning, I got into an argument with my partner. I wanted him to get off his position and just STOP and open and listen.  Do you know what?  It was me that needed to do that.  I was so hell bent on sharing my point of view, of wanting to be heard, that I couldn’t see beyond that.

What I’m aware of now is a question: “What is beyond the right and wrong?”  or “Can I trust that I’ll be heard/taken care of if I lay down my arms?”

In the moment this morning when I didn’t want to let go, I did anyway.

It took a while, and I eventually was able to let go. I did this by laying down my arms 🙂 , listening to myself and my partner, opening to compassion, and finally simply LAUGHING at the mirror he was being for me!

I am aware of how much I want to control other people and more importantly, myself.  I forgive myself for judging myself for that.  I love myself so much.

Doing forgiveness is giving me an amazing solid foundation to move beyond reactivity into deep loving and listening.  It is the biggest bridge that I know between righteousness and what exists beyond that.

And I’m learning a lot about trusting the experience I have when I let go – that there is a greater presence inside that guides me and holds me.  It reminds me that I AM the presence of love and that I am always held and supported.  (Maybe this is the true bridge)

When I separate from love and get scared I’m alone, I have an affirmation to help me out:

❤ I choose life, trusting in the grace of my heart. ❤

At the end of my blog are a few photos (and a great Rumi quote) that for me, represent the bridge that forgiveness builds between fear and love – and that I can let go into love at any moment.


I am SO SO grateful for all of you who contribute to Forgiving Fridays.  I learn so much from you!  Here are this week’s contributions:

Etta of  Simply Etta D. shared a beautiful post of how important support is in our lives – and that we may find it in the most surprising of places. Thank you Etta!

DeBorah of Roaming Urban Gypsy shared a beautiful photo collage of her cat (and other very cute animal pictures) that illustrate the unconditional loving of animals. A great help for coming to peace inside!

Xenia of Whippet Wisdom wrote a fantastic haiku on the simple act of trusting the natural flow of nature – plus a great photo of one of her dogs to illustrate!

Bernice of Spiritual Journey 17 wrote about her learnings in a coaching session with me, including an amazing tip to forgive ourselves. Love that.

Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking contributed a one-liner on forgiveness that blew me out of the water!  So illustrative of the value of letting go. (Great title too).

Pragalbha of Infinite Living gave us a profound poem on moving from “NOwhere” to “NOWhere” and also to the “somewheres” we sometimes need to go through to experience our own self-compassion.

Lacey of BigandPinkyToes wrote a goodbye letter to her 20s that was a combination of accepting and appreciating herself, and letting go and moving on. Welcome back to Forgiving Fridays!

And here’s one from last week in case you missed it – a story I found inspiring 🙂 :

Stella of Giggles & Tales  shared about her neighbor’s random act of kindness to the community – a shining example of how simple acts of kindness touches and opens someone else’s life.


I love you.

Have an amazing week!

Love, Debbie


Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

Forgiving Fridays banner facebook

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Include #ForgivingFridays in your tags
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you. 
  • Have fun – you are awesome!!  


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45 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Letting Go of Right and Wrong (Whew!)

  1. Such perfect timing of your post for me! I needed to hear what you said, about being right, wanting to be heard, the fear that wants to control, and the love and forgiveness for self and other that can change and soften the entire perception! 🙂 That Rumi quote was new one for me, thank you very much! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh Pragalbha, I am so glad this post was good timing for you. I know it helps me when I read something that I’m going through too! ❤ Neat that it's a new Rumi quote for you …. he's got some profound ones, doesn't he?

      Thank you again for your contribution this week. Your poetry completely inspired me! Love, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Debbie– love this story! When I really get mad at my Larry, it’s usually because I really know that I’m wrong. it’s true. And Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving ahead– are you cooking?? I am truly thankful for you and all the kindness and encouragement you send out week after week. You are amazing. Happy Thanksgiving! hugs hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha! Rhonda, that is great. 🙂 I love that you shared this. Larry is one lucky guy.

      I’m not cooking this year, I don’t think so anyway. I plan to go to a peace ranch in Santa Barbara, or just chill out at home with my partner. I’m in a beautiful class called Consciousness, Health and Healing, and I’d like to have a few days to go inside and look at my next steps.

      Are you cooking? What are you doing? Sending blessings and gratitude your way, Rhonda. Love, Debbie


      1. Hi Debbie– Peace Ranch sounds like a restful, intriguing place. My sis and I are cooking up Thanksgiving together– for a table full of our kids. About 17 of us. I’m excited! Thankful for you friend. Happy Thanksgiving!


  3. Thank you for sharing your experience and awareness here Debbie together with all the lovely contributions from fellow bloggers and the beautiful Rumi quote 💜 Wishing you a blessed and peaceful weekend with love from all of us ☺💖 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Xenia, thank you. And thanks again for your amazing haiku. The words carried Light on them, if that makes any sense 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Here’s another quote for you, this one from Rumi’s teacher Shams of Tabriz:
      “Instead of resisting to changes, surrender. Let life be with you, not against you. If you think ‘My life will be upside down’ don’t worry. How do you know down is not better than upside?”

      Hope your weekend is going great, Xenia! Hugs please to Elvor and Pearl …. hope your dogs are having beautiful walks. Love and Light, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you Debbie for this wonderful blogpost to read! I love to see that more and more people are contributing to these forgiving fridays. I do read their posts as well and everyone inspires me a lot! I loved seeing those photos at the end. You look so happy in the one with the angel above you! I wish you a happy upcoming week. Love, Anne

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Anne thank you! Your comment brightens up my whole day. 🙂 Isn’t it great to read everyone’s contributions? I learn a lot each time! So glad you were inspired.

      The photos are at my new home in Santa Monica. It’s very peaceful. Sending you SMILES and blessings of peace, Anne. Hope you are well, Debbie

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  5. What wonderful lessons you share with us here Debbie. Bridging differences between ourselves and others and letting go of the need to be right is huge. Good on you Debbie. Much love and hugs to you xo ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Miriam! Boy it’s a work in progress, to let go of the need to be right. ❤ So great to hear from you, Miriam. Funny, because I was just thinking of you and how much caring I have for you.
      Sending you much Light, love and blessings,
      Debbie 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww Debbie, thanks sweet lady, clearly we’re on the same wavelength today. Yes, we’re definitely all a work in progress aren’t we? Sending you big hugs and much love back xo ❤️

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  6. There is a reason why I’m reading this today because I had a similar experience this morning, just felt like I was being pulled apart at the seams so I exploded. But I do agree with you and see your point when you say “When I separate from love and get scared I’m alone, I have an affirmation to help me out.” I read a lot of affirmations today. Took a deep breath then smiled at the sunshine. First rays of sun we’ve had here in over week.

    Thank you for always providing such uplifting post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Etta, I’m so glad to hear it! I read your comment right before I went for a run, and I did an affirmation in honor of you today!! “I love me and I love my expression” and how about “I am accepting and loving all that I am and allowing myself to be held.”

      You are such a spiritual warrior, and I’m so acknowledging you for how you show up in the courage of your wisdom. Bless you, Etta. Be in touch anytime,

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Xenia, it is beautiful! I saw it, as well as the gorgeous photos of Elvor and Pearl. So touched. I’ll share it tomorrow for Forgiving Fridays 🙂 🙂 Love and Light to you. Give your dogs a big pet for me. Blessings — Debbie

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