Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Seeing through the Eyes of Peace

Happy #ForgivingFridays everyone! Yay! This is an opportunity for you to share about forgiveness & post about it ANY DAY this week! See guidelines below. ❤ You can post whatever inspires YOU to forgive and choose love. Examples: take a photo, or a situation you’re not at peace with, or share a quote or write a poem like I did!

***This post is my contribution for The Daily Post’s Peek and Frank’s Challenge, Broken. Frank I got such a gift from this photography – a whole new vantage point to recognize the fullness. WOW!!***

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is Seeing Through the Eyes of Peace.

I’d like to write a poem for Forgiving Fridays.  This poem is about seeing through the eyes of love….  Seeing that those places in ourselves that seem “broken” are actually beautiful and whole …. Realizing that they are giving us a peek into the great love that exists inside.  I dedicate this poem to all of us – sometimes the things that seem most challenging offer the greatest opportunity to relax, let go, and see the many facets of our true nature.

Angel Kisses For Peace

Ah, it is one small step, from

“I am broken” oh no, I can’t even see to

“I am whole” it is cavernous, a deep, dark abyss

That cries out inside, “save me, Small ness engulfs

every aspect of this world, inside. I try, I try

to swim through, the ache, the deep dark trench that has no

END.  And I breathe, because in the emptiness that is there,

Lies the good beast that is held, touched, in the arms of

the Angel who says,

“Who is the beast?  Take out the last two letters, oh and also

the “a”, and all there is, is “be”.   In “beast”.”

The love you seek, forgive and forget, it may

it may, and oh Beloved, it may elude you.  Once may not

give the be-lieve that you are the – step – so one, more, beauteous,

time, step in and say, “I forgive.” There I am also.


Here are photos of my new plant (in my new apt 🙂 ).  I cut back the stems so that it could grow.  It may seem “broken” and what’s true is the branches are glorious examples of flourishing – with the help of an angel!


I am grateful for all of you who contribute to Forgiving Fridays.  I learn so much from you!  Here are this week’s contributions:

Etta of  Simply Etta D. gave us wonderful tips for gaining altitude and getting inspired to keep moving in the direction of our hearts – based on her gorgeous personal experience. Thank you Etta!

DeBorah of Roaming Urban Gypsy shared a beautiful photo collage of her ancestors and a post on happy scenes that can open our hearts to gratitude and coming to peace inside!

Gabrielle of Bone & Silver shared a profound post where she explored the true essence of love and practiced forgiveness, in response to an argument with her partner.

Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking shared a haibun and reflections on the far-reaching events of kindness – kindness beyond counting or expecting anything in return.  Beautiful.

Miriam of The Shower of Blessings wrote a gratitude poem on the plane J that is full of love and compassion and an exquisite experience of thankfulness.

Pragalbha of Infinite Living contributed such an authentic poem on looking for love and struggling with it. I opened to such compassion when I read it!

Xenia of Whippet Wisdom gave us a haiku – plus great photos of her dogs! – on being grateful for the little things when something unexpected happens. I learned a lot.

And in case you missed it from last week:

Stella of Giggles & Tales  wrote an exquisite poem on the sacred act of loving another person and how giving can open us to the divine in life.


I’d like to end today with a forgiveness:

I forgive myself for judging myself as broken.  I forgot to look at myself through the eyes of loving, and that I am held in peace every step of the way.  ❤

And a quote for your day:

“Looking through the “eyes of a child”, what evidence (signs) of peace are present right now?” ~John-Roger

I love you.

Have an amazing week!

Love, Debbie


Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Include #ForgivingFridays in your tags
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you. 
  • Have fun – you are awesome!!  


Here’s the video I did reading the poem on peace ❤ :

72 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Seeing through the Eyes of Peace

    1. CAT!!! Thank you so much for reblogging this post. I am so touched. I’m glad that it moved you, and feel free to contribute your own story, experience, creative expression, etc anytime. ❤ Your blog is lovely.
      Blessings and thank you again – Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Debbi, it is now the 2nd time in a week that I read “wise” words about pain in a blog. I usually suspect them because they are often uttered by people not knowing what this really means. So I ask also you: Do you know real pain, I mean a pain which makes you really crazy and paralyzes simply that you do no longer feel as a human being? A pain, that nobody can explain nor heal? I know this abyss very well, because cluster-headaches are following my life since 2001 periodically, this may happen each year, or every 2 or 3 years, than for a time period usually of 6 weeks each and every night severe and also multiple head-ache attacks robbing also my sleep. This is quite tough and also exhausting (mentally, physically as a whole). Even with a very good mind-set up this just means suffering in its deepest sense, and such “wise” words are sounding for me therefore just quite cynical and not very near to real life. Best wishes and a nice weekend # Ulli

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ulli, first of all, thank you for posting this comment. As I read your words, I was touched and opened by your honesty. And the way you won’t settle inside for less than the truth. I relate to that very much.

      I hear you. I really do. It sounds like the migraines are really an exhausting experience for you. I don’t have a magic answer to your question. I can share with you my own experience and what I know based on that.

      I’ve worked through a number of challenging situations, Ulli. My mom was mentally ill and at some point murdered. My mom and dad got divorced when I was young. I had an eating disorder for years. I was sexually abused. All of these things happened, Ulli, and they are not who I am. What I am learning from them is exactly that – they are not who I am. I am learning how to love myself and to be rock solid in that love. Often just by showing up one more time and enduring to the end. And more and more, by observing myself from a higher place and asking for the learning. And forgiving the judgments inside.

      I’ve sometimes tried to push down the pain, which doesn’t work. I’ve also dwelled in the pain, which doesn’t work either (I get stuck and I’m unhappy). What I do my best to do is approach it with the eyes of a child and ask myself, “What does love want me to know?” I also do my best to take each situation as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to care for myself, and to let go of any blocks in my mind or unconscious that may be contributing to the situation I find myself in.

      Ulli, there’s more that I can say, and mainly, I just want to encourage you to trust your own wisdom – to do your best to take care of yourself – to observe what’s going on and ask if there’s a higher learning – and to ask for help when you need it. ❤ And to build a bridge to forgiveness inside.

      I love that you are here. That you are so real. And that you read and respond to my blog Ulli. Thank you.

      Contact me anytime.
      Love and blessings,

      ps – I've been trying to find this quote about how we grow the strongest where the wounds are – and I can't find it!! I think it was ancient wisdom, if you remember it? Blessings.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, Xenia thank you for saying that! It’s an honor to have you see Hafiz through my poetry. I open my heart and just start writing. It’s healing and uplifting for me – and another approach to help me forgive.

      I hope you and Elvor and Pearl have a beautiful week with a lot of fun and joyful runs / walks on the beach. 🙂 Thank you for your amazing poetry for Forgiving Fridays. It’s so moving to read what you post each way, and your writing opens me to peace. Blessings, Debbie

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    1. Awww Etta, thank you! Love that you got value and brightening your evening from this post. 🙂 🙂 🙂 I hope you had a beautiful weekend of letting go and opening to lots of grace.

      And thank you for your consistency in contributing to Forgiving Fridays. Your presence adds so much! Blessings, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Stella, you are so welcome! I love highlighting your posts for Forgiving Fridays…. it’s one of the highlights of my experience. 🙂 🙂 And your post this week is so lovely! It is incredibly moving to watch how simple acts of kindness from one person touches and opens someone else’s life. God, I am so glad you shared it for Forgiving Fridays. Much love, peace and joy to you Stella, Debbie


    1. Aww Gabrielle, you got it! Thank you for your forgiveness in your blog on the argument you had with your relationship. It was powerful and an honor to share for Forgiving Fridays. Please feel free to contribute anytime (and so glad we worked out the pingback link. 🙂 ) Wishing you much love — Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww Brigid, thank you! Yes I am settling in … and bringing in creativity like poetry and flowers and plants is a big part to that (I have a feeling you’ll relate 🙂 ). Sending you many blessings, Brigid. Just getting a comment from you brightens my day. Love, Debbie
      ps – I’m working on furnishings now. It would be great if you can send Light and love! Thanks. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely and inspiring post, Debbie. It reminds me of Beauty and the Beast. Inside the Beast is actually a beauty and has a heart of gold. He’s broken and his image is ugly….until you look inside. Love this and the plant.❤️🌈

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mary, what a great analogy! Thank you. And thank you or being here and reading my blog. It means a lot to me, and your presence is a beautiful thing. 🙂 🙂 Love and blessings — have a great week. Debbie
      ps – I loved your post on happy November.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, DeB. YOU are amazing!!! Keep on forgiving. Your heart is open and gorgeous, and I am so glad you’re here. Blessings to you and to your brother, Stephen, and all you touch with your presence. Debbie 🙂 smiles


  3. Hello dear Debbie,
    Another wonderful share from you. Your poem is beautiful and your reference to your plant is so true.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend and peace in your heart. Hugs from me 🙋🏻💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Di, so much! I am really glad this post and poem (and the plants!) were valuable for you. Hope you are smiling and happy in your new home, and that you’re getting a lot of nurturing by living there. Sending you love xoxoxo Be in touch anytime, Di. You are so supported. Blessings, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello lovely Debbie,
        Thank you for such a warm and kind reply. I certainly do understand that I can be in touch with you any time. I know I’d be received with love and non judgement because that’s who you are to us.
        I can let you know that I did finally get around to emailing Nathalie on Saturday so I look forward to hearing from her soon. Thank you again for offering her email address.
        Take care and may you feel blessed today and sending love and gratitude to you 💐💐❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yay that’s great, Di! ❤ Love that you emailed Nathalie. And yes, you are welcomed by me with open arms. ❤ ❤ Sending you love and gratitude too, and a place of peace wherever you are. Hugs xoxoxo Debbie

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Kimberlee, that is so great! My spiritual teacher J-R has a great saying how we are the ones we are looking for. ❤ It is relieving to me to know this and to get that it is true. Much love to you, Kimberlee. Your poetry is gorgeous. Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much, Debbie – there are so many beautiful words out there in the world, it’s a joy to read them as well as craft them! What beautiful words to think upon, that we might find ourselves searching the whole world for the other when that other is actually us! Wonderful food for thought…

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Got it, thank you Xenia! What a beautiful contribution, full of amazing photos (love your dogs) and such creativity and loving. It wrapped around me as I read your words. Yay!!! ❤ Love and Light to you and Pearl and Elvor … hope you are off to an amazing week. I'm honored to highlight your post for Forgiving Fridays, my friend. Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much for your kind words Debbie, it is always a pleasure and an honour to contribute to Forgiving Fridays 💜 We hope you are having a great week and send love and blessings from all of us here ☺💖🐕 xxx

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Rhonda. Poetry is a big part of my creativity right now. I really appreciate you reading it and sending love to my new home. Your comments make it cozier just with your caring in it!! Love to you, and every many blessings and hugs — Debbie


    1. Oh Lacey that is just fine 🙂 You are welcome here anytime. So glad you liked the poem and the plant analogy. So glad you are here. Your presence brightens up my blog, do you know that? ❤ ❤ Hope you are doing well — and your family too. My week is great, so full of learning and gratitude. Thanks for asking, Lacey!
      Love, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You are welcome to do a contribution for Forgiving Fridays! Just do a post on something that inspires you to forgive ❤ or on what forgiveness means for you. Then:
      1. Include #ForgivingFridays in your tags
      2. Include a pingback to my most recent Forgiving Fridays post.

      Sending you many blessings, hope your weekend is going amazing,

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