Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Wow A Big Decision!

Happy #ForgivingFridays everyone!   Yay!  This is an opportunity for YOU to share about forgiveness & post about it  ANY DAY this week!  You can post a poem or a photo (even ones of your cat like one of this week’s contributors), or you can write about what happens when you  “listen to yourself” like I did.  Or whatever inspires your creativity!  (See guidelines below ❤ )  

***This post is my contribution for Nikki’s Creative Prompt, What’s Your Chill. It is also my contribution to The Daily Post’s photo challenge, Unusual and Frank’s, Yellow.  Thank you all!***

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is loving myself with a big decision to make, and that home is inside of me.

Yesterday, I decided to move from my current home.  This is a really big deal for me.

When I was growing up, my home life was pretty chaotic.  A mom who was mentally ill, not seeing my Dad very much, an eating disorder …. Funny, I thought I was “over” this, and as I wrote down those things, I am aware that somewhere inside, I still carry shame.

That somehow I deserve not to be nurtured.  Well, that makes how I came to this decision to move even more beautiful.  I went to the garden and sat in a peaceful corner with yellow bamboo behind me and foliage and a pond before me.  I spoke to the little girl inside, and I asked her what she needed.

She told me.  She had never before been asked where she wants to live, and I am listening.  THAT is my safe space.  I did forgiveness.  And gave myself a hug.  Once I did this, I got very clear that it is time to move on into something new. (OMG)

Here’s the video I just did on it!

My parents did the best that they could.  I forgive myself for judging them and set them free.  Most importantly, I forgive myself for judging myself as bad for how I grew up, and I am committed to loving me.

As I sat in that garden, I took a photo of my feet!  I was wondering what I was doing.  Now I know – I trust myself. I am creating a solid foundation in me every time I listen, so that every step I take is full of love.

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I am so grateful for all of you who contribute to Forgiving Fridays.  I learn from you!  Here are this week’s contributions:

Etta of  Simply Etta D. gave us a beautiful invitation to dress as beautiful as we feel.

Stella of Giggles and Tales shared fantastic steps on letting go of worry and forgiving ourselves.

Bella of ThoughtsnLifeBlog  contributed a wonderful series of quotes on forgiveness.

DeBorah of Roaming Urban Gypsy created a collage of photos with a theme of self-love – so creative!

And a new contributor:  🙂

Emily of Zombie Flamingos did a post on her cat Elliot.  She takes great kitty photos, and we shared how the beauty of her photography is a powerful form of forgiveness and letting go.


I wrote a poem on listening if you’d like to read it.  (See below.)  I’d love to hear your poetry and other creative ways of claiming the love inside of you, and forgiving and letting go for Forgiving Fridays!  You are such a Light.

I love you.

Love, Debbie

ps – I’m offering a free online class today “Self-Forgiveness and Relationships”. We’re going to practice listening & loving ourselves in relationship. You are welcome to join!  Register here.


Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Tag your post with #ForgivingFridays
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you. 
  • Have fun – you are awesome!!  


Here’s the poem on Listening:


It’s not of
You that you find
It is not no not, no 
not, is this what 
you say to yourself?
Do you listen? Do
to your heart’s true
words? What, oh
Beloved, do they —-
say? Is it, please,
please heal help
the preacher does
not have the love,
it is You. Listen,
love, be still,
and know that 
in the LOVE you
give, the listen
will heal the 
hurt. It is
-D. Roth

Forgiving Fridays banner Relationships

65 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Wow A Big Decision!

    1. Thank you ever so kindly, Frank. 🙂 It was a self-nurturing process to get in touch with my little girl. I’ve done it before; however this time it was stronger (and kinder). Blessings – and thanks for responding so quickly on your photo challenge roundup! ~Debbie

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    1. Brigid, thanks!! That really means a lot to me. Still looking inwardly regarding what’s next. I just know the form will come in Spirit’s timing. Have a beautiful rest of your week, Brigid. And I love your recent blog post with an excerpt from your book. Blessings, Debbie ❤

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  1. Fortunately I have access to the backyard so I did a grounding ritual. Really informal. Basically I just sat down in one of the chairs, put on some easy breezy music, took off my sandals and connected directly to Mother Earth. Gaia has healing properties so walking barefoot in the grass or placing your chair in a sunny grassy area and planting your bare feet to the earth helps stabilize you. I also conditioned my hair at the same time. Will share photos soon.

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    1. DeBorah, this is beautiful. What a way to nurture and love yourself. Thank you for sharing this. ❤ And I look forward to seeing photos. Feel free to contribute them to Forgiving Fridays. Much blessings, DeBorah. You are an inspiration …. and a joy. Debbie

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    1. That is the truth, DeBorah! I did a Doctoral Program where I studied the experience of living in the home of my spiritual heart – and the peace and compassion that help me know it. It was really fun, and profound. Much love

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  2. That poem is really heart warming. I have to forgive my parents as well, for a long time I carried a hatred for my mother and father for reasons I couldn’t really express. It felt awesome to forgive them and move on with my life. ❤ ❤ xxxx
    P.S I think I missed the meeting, it's 8:45 here now 😦

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    1. Hi EttaD. Wow, so great that you did forgiveness in regards to your relationship with your parents – that is huge! It sounds like you experienced letting go and freedom ❤ ❤ Good for you.

      It was so lovely to see you on the meeting, EttaD!! FYI, the meeting started at 9pm your time. I emailed you some gifts from the event. 🙂

      Sending you ever so many blessings. You are an inspiration to me, and I am grateful for the connection we share across the continents. That's awesome and brightens my day!

      Love, Debbie

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    1. What a beautiful post! I love it. Original and so full of beauty and gratitude. I’m excited that you shared for Forgiving Fridays, and blessed to have your presence on my blog. Sending you happiness — Debbie ❤

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  3. What a heartwarming and touching post, Debbie. When I think of someone wrong me, I just remember what Jesus said on the cross, “Father, forgive them, because they don’t know what they do.” Your parents might not know how to do better because their parents didn’t do what they should do to your parents. A nice post. Have a blessed weekend! Miriam

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    1. Miriam, thanks for sharing this. You make a profound statement of how compassion can open us to forgiveness in deep and new ways. I love that Bible quote. Sending you love & thankfulness. Have a great week. ❤ Blessings, Debbie

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  4. Thanks for including me this week! And thanks for the reminder that we were all little children once, and all little children deserve love and forgiveness. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You got it, Emily! And thanks for your contribution. Your cats are demonstrations of forgiveness, they are gorgeous (and what cat doesn’t have a huge heart even if they pretend not to 🙂 )

      It’s true, every child deserves love and forgiveness – and lots of caring. So learning about my own self-care every day. Have a great week, and I hope your weekend was full of laughs. Debbie

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  5. Beautiful, Debbie ❤ I'm still working at listening (remember to listen) to the little girl in me. My younger years were lacking security, and she needs to hear that I'm going to keep her safe and secure! Such a great reminder, thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You said it. It is so helpful for me to touch into that little one and make sure she knows that she is safe and secure with me. Love that you do that, and I fully support you in doing it more if that works for you! Sending big hugs to you. Thank you for sharing, you are very wise in your self-awareness (truly). Blessings, Debbie


  6. Hello lovely Debbie…
    What a special post and video. Thank you for again opening your heart to us.
    Listening to that little girl is such a wonderful thing to do. To really hear what she has to tell you. I loved your words that home is inside you…so in knowing that, I wish you all the very best in choosing where you will reside with home inside of you. Take care and may you feel blessed and loved, as you deserve….
    Love to you from me💕💐💐

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    1. Oh Di, thank you! When I read your comments, I felt a lot of joy welling up inside of me. That my true home is indeed inside, and the gift of my new home will come forward in perfect timing. I do trust that (even if I forget sometimes) – and I love the part of me that forgets too!

      Hope you are doing well in getting ready for YOUR new home in London. May each step be blessed in joy, grace, love, and fullness. Keep us posted how you’re doing, Di. 🙂 🙂 You are beautiful. Debbie

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      1. Hello again dear Debbie,
        You are very welcome and it was not lost on me that we are both changing our abodes so your sentiment that home is inside us gave me much comfort knowing we are doing the right thing with the London move. I’ll keep you posted…
        As for your other comments, I was content to read that you love that part of yourself that forgets…it’s such an important step forward that I can identify with too. And little constant reminders are so helpful until it becomes our ‘new normal’…
        Take care and wishing you all the best, Debbie.
        Love and a hug to you 💕💐💕

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  7. Another inspiring post Debbie. It’s so powerful to pause and communicate with our inner child. That little girl, so vulnerable is still within us all. Are we a motherly presence for her, allowing her to speak her truth, then listening to her wishes and acting upon them? I wish you peace and joy in your move. Big hug 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Judith, thank you! I experience the gentle strength of you in your comments. 🙂 You make me smile, and it’s so fun to share Frank’s photo challenge with you. Sending you blessings, and thanks again for being here. Love, Debbie ps – have a beautiful week full of a lot of self-nurturing in nature (your post on flowers was great)

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  8. Debbie I am behind on reading blogs, so sorry I’m late to commenting. I wanted to reach through the computer and give you a hug while reading this. The submissions this week were also beautiful. I LOVE that you do Forgiving Fridays 🙂

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  9. Debbie, I admire your courage to still yourself and listen to your inner voice. I know that when I have done this it has been scary at times but I but it continues to get easier. Unraveling the stories we have told ourselves for most of our lives takes time, forgiveness and love. You are an inspiration. I can’t wait to hear about your new home. Thank you for sharing you journey. Sending love your way. Ali

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    1. Ali, when I read your comment, I felt like you were right here with me giving me a hug of love. Thank you so much. You have a kind and gentle energy that comes through your sharing. Lots of love to you! And feel free to contribute to Forgiving Fridays anytime. Your poetry is stunning.
      Love and blessings, Debbie

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    1. Stella, this is a beautiful post. Completely inspired by you! Sharing a story as an illustration to forgive is GORGEOUS! Thank you. Just shared for this week’s Forgiving Fridays. I am so glad you are here.

      And thanks for your caring re: my new home. I’m still in process of moving on. Please keep me in your heart and prayers. Love love love, Debbie ❤


      1. It’s a great pleasure to be a part of your wonderful platform. Glad you appreciate my small thoughts. 🙂 Keep doing what you do. You are impacting lives with the love you exude. And moving house is not always easy. The sight of unopened Boxes and the disorder is scary. But you’d be fine. God has got your back. Stay well and Big hugs from here. Xo

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  10. It’s wise of you to let go of the past. A disturbing childhood often haunts people but you’ve proved yourself victorious by accepting it just as a past event. I’m so happy that you’re loving yourself and life is blooming for you in every way. Lots of wishes and hugs for you… stay blessed… ❤ ❤

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    1. Thank you ever so much Maniparna! Funny that you brought up acceptance. I’m working on a class right now on acceptance and how it can help us experience the presence of peace. ❤ Just a perfect reminder for me right now. I appreciate you. Sending you many blessings, Debbie ❤


    1. Thank you! I’m still in process with it. I have 3 months to find a new place to live, which makes it so easy to take one step at a time. May consider moving out of LA a bit (into the woods?). Anyway Rhonda, thank you so much. Hugs, my friend. Debbie


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