Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Not needing to prove myself

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is not needing to prove myself.

Each Friday is #ForgivingFridays (yay) – an invitation for you to take action to forgive and post about it on your blog, or on Facebook or other social media.

Last week, two bloggers joined me in #ForgivingFridays.  Di of Matters for the Heart wrote beautifully about autumn leaves and how they help her connect with forgiveness – and self-love. RGS of Wild Rover Travels contributed a powerful video of a woman opening to love in the midst of loss. Thank you both.

Your blogs are shining examples of loving and forgiveness. 🙂

My contribution today for #ForgivingFridays has to do with a really old pattern of thinking – that I need to prove myself.  Here’s an example.  I’m in a coaching program, and I was looking up to one of the facilitators. I wanted to prove how “good” I was to her.  This is just one example of the many small and big ways I look outside myself every day.

It hurts.  And it’s time to forgive.

I forgive myself for judging myself for looking outside myself for love. I forgive myself for buying into the belief that any of us are truly better or worse than anyone else!

I let this go into the Light and I smile and say, “I am love”.  Self-love is where it starts.

I am grateful to do this 3-step forgiving process every day.  It is my solid foundation.

I am grateful for being able to share love with you.  It opens my heart.


I’ve also been thinking a lot about grace.  What does grace mean to you?  Do you need to “believe” in God to experience and know it?   All I know inside is that grace has to do with love and how forgiving invites it in – and I am willing to go for it!

What’s your contribution for Forgiving Fridays? I encourage you to share it! You could post a story on forgiveness, poetry, photography, video, etc – whatever inspire forgiveveness for you.

You could also simply say, “I forgive”. And invite in the love.

I love you.

Love, Debbie

ps – this is my contribution to Frank’s weekly photo challenge, Forward. Frank, I’m letting go of needing to prove and moving forward into love, into grace, and to a whole lot of fun.

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Free free to be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Whatever inspires forgiving for you.
  • Tag your post with #ForgivingFridays (if helpful, here’s a simple WordPress article on tagging posts)
  • Create a pingback link to this post. This way, I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week.
  • Have fun creating your own form of forgiving, of loving YOU!!

25 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Not needing to prove myself

  1. Grace to me today is finding your post. The need to prove myself is something that I know is there but I haven’t acknowledged enough in a kind way. Thank you for bringing the sweetness of forgiveness to this part of me.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I forgive! 😊 I’ve been hounded lately during the middle of the night by thinking of some past mistakes and feeling shame for them. I do believe that when Jesus died on the cross I was forgiven for every thing that I’ve done and will do that could be called a sin. And if he can forgive me who am I to not forgive myself. But back to Grace. Yes I believe that a relationship with God it’s not necessary for us to give grace and receive grace from others. Grace is unmerited favor, which is necessary in any love relationship.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello dear Debbie,
    Thank you so much for your kind words about my post and adding it to your ForgivingFridays.
    Your words about forgiving yourself and showing yourself the love and kindness is a huge step and I’m sure you will find a greater peace as a result.
    Sending you hugs and may you be blessed, Debbie 💕🌈🌈

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Di. That’s funny, because for me, peace is exactly the experience that I’m experiencing with doing more forgiveness. You are so wise. Glad that you got value from this post, and from your participation. You’re a blessing Di! ❤ ~Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello beautiful🦋
        Thank you for your kind comments Debbie and it was my honour totally.
        I want to thank you for actually allowing us the freedom to accept forgiveness includes ourselves, as it’s often thought in terms of forgiving others.
        Thank you again and may I say you are a blessing too my friend.
        Thank you for your kind support of which I’m very grateful. Enjoy your week.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. The next in my Awakening Series is featuring forgiving. As in Awakening to your Spirit of Forgiving. The process starts now. The Awakening Series is under the theme of Dancing With Hope. In forgiving of course there is hope, hope for the newness, hope for the opportunity, hope for now. Love and blessings to us all.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Anne, that sounds wonderful. I am looking forward to reading your sharings on forgiveness. Grace is in the now, and in the newness. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and loving on my blog! Learning a lot. I love you, Anne – Debbie


    1. Yes, Brigid – I so hear you, doesn’t grace have an intangible quality? I have a workshop that I facilitate called Making Peace with Myself, and I mention how grace is “a gift of your heart or as a blessing of loving”. With that definition, I see that grace can be everywhere. Thank you for your comments, Brigid. I learn a lot from them.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely post, thank you, Debbie. Grace is difficult to define. It brings to mind the saying “There but for the grace of God, go I”. I don’t think one has to believe in God to feel grace, but it has a spirtual quality to it, and encompasses love, peace and compassion. Have a lovely week, Debbie 🙂 xx

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I could so relate to this Debbie and proving myself is something that I’m right in the middle of with my new job. It’s a time of questioning myself and I know I need to be more gentle with myself. Thank you for the reminder Debbie. xo

    Liked by 2 people

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