Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Letting go of the past

Today’s Forgiving Fridays is letting go of the past.

Each Friday is #ForgivingFridays (yay) – an invitation for you to take action to forgive and post about it on your blog, or on Facebook or other social media.

Last week, one beautiful blogger, Infinity Living joined me in #ForgivingFridays with a beautiful poem that inspire forgiveness for her.  Click here to read her post.  Thank you, Infinity Living.  Your blog is a demonstration of loving, blessings and forgiveness. 🙂

My contribution today for #ForgivingFridays is to forgive myself for any judgments I am placing against myself or others for past mistakes, situations, experiences, ETCETERA!

I am visiting a peace ranch this weekend, and I realized as I’m up here that I am holding on to so many things from the past.  My heart hurts with some of the memories.  It is time for me to let them go, to start fresh, and to be born again in my own love.  Time for forgiving:

1 – Self-forgiveness: I forgive myself for judging myself for the mistakes that I made in my career.  I forgive myself for judging myself as less than because I’m a woman.  I forgive myself for judging myself for forgetting that there are no mistakes, only learning.

2 – Letting go: I let all this go into a beautiful pool of peace, this gorgeous nature at the Ranch, and I step free.

3 – Gratitude: I am grateful for my self-awareness and my willingness and courage to let go, and to forgive.  And to step into what’s new for me – guided and blessed by the prayers for peace inside every step I take.


I ride on a swing tied to a tree each time I come up here.  This time, I swung with a clear intention to set myself free.  It was so joyful.  (I highly encourage a visit to nature if you can do it!)

What would you like to forgive? I encourage you to share it! You could post a poem, or a photo that helps you to forgive, or a quote on forgiveness, and you can also simply say, “I forgive”. Whatever connects for you.

Forgiveness starts inside. My commitment is to learn that with every fiber of my being. And I invite you to join me, however that creates a safe space inside of you.

I love you.

Love, Debbie

ps – this is my contribution to Frank’s weekly photo challenge, Spring.  Frank, I’m starting new this day as I forgive and walk each step in peace.

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Free free to be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Whatever inspire forgiving for you.
  • Tag your post with #ForgivingFridays (if you’re not sure about how tags work, read this WordPress article about tagging posts)
  • Create a pingback link to this post. This way, I can create a post showing all of the submissions over the week.
  • Have fun creating your own form of forgiving, of loving YOU!!

63 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Letting go of the past

  1. Again the timing of posts leaves me lost for words. Today I was rereading last years journal. I was having a not-so-good day and there was certainly a need for self-forgiveness back then. My way of pulling myself out of this negative state was to take myself off for a long woodland walk. Nature certainly knows how to heal us Debbie. Lovely post my friend ❤️ Deborah

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    1. Oh, Deborah – I’m so glad to hear it. Good for you on taking the time off for yourself. There is so much self-honoring and peace in taking walks in nature (and other actions that are kind to ourselves). Sending you many blessings, my friend. ❤ Debbie

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  2. Thank you Debbie!
    I forgive MYSELF!!! ugh,,, i think i gotta carry this around as one of my new mantra. how easily we forget to forgive!!! and the burden we carry when all the think about is we are not enough, we are at fault, we are weak…
    Thank you for bringing the light and love.

    And absolutely LOVE the quote:
    Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. – Buddha.


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    1. Oh, yay! I’m so glad that this post is valuable for you. ❤ And fantastic idea to have a mantra "I Forgive MYSELF"!!! How self-honoring. You are worthy of such love, and forgiveness, and gentle caring. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Debbie ps – YES I agree – that Buddha quote is one of my favorites. Working on speaking simple words of peace. 🙂


  3. Hello Debbie!
    The past is such a difficult thing to let go of isn’t it?
    Thank you for sharing your experiences of forgiving in this post.
    Your swing sounds wonderful and it’s a lovely time to just fly through the air feeling joyful and hopefully at peace.
    Thank you for another beautiful piece of honest writing. Enjoy your weekend there Debbie 💐💐

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    1. Oh, Di, thank you! It was such a blessed weekend. I go on that swing each time I visit the Ranch, and I feel like a kid in such joy and freedom. Thanks for being here, and feel free to contribute to #ForgivingFridays anytime this week. ❤ Blessings, Debbie ps – Smiles Di!

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      1. Hello dear Debbie. Ah the swing… I could sit on one all day🌸Glad you enjoyed your weekend.
        Well, would you believe I was typing a post draft when your message came through?
        I was about done with it and I realised I could add one line and make it include forgiveness. Only problem… I’m not sure how to include it in your ForgivingFridays! How do I ‘ping back’? Is it just using your link in there somewhere? And just add this hashtag in the ‘tag’ section?
        I’d more than happy to contribute but I want to do it right!
        Thank you for the offer. I hope you enjoy it when I post it later in the week.
        May you be blessed too lovely lady ✨✨💕

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh Di, that’s great! All you need to do for a ‘ping back’ is to include a link to my Forgiving Fridays post in your post. You can see an example in the “ps” that I wrote in my post, where I did a “ping back” to Frank of Dutch Goes the Photo’s blog post.

        Here is the link for this post, if helpful:

        And yep – just add #ForgivingFridays to your hashtags.

        Di, I am sure that I’ll enjoy your contribution. You are a blessing and so full of life and love. I’m enjoying it already, just by our connection now.

        Have a wonderful week – and let me know if I can assist further.

        Love, Debbie ❤ 🙂

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      3. Hello dear Debbie!
        I was just again at my computer editing and then decided to search for myself. I wasn’t sure of your link but thank you, I’ll copy it and send it in an email so I can easily include it.
        I’ll have a look at your post again too to see what words you use.
        I think I’ve tied forgiveness in quite well with what I had originally written for this week.
        Thank you for your lovely reply and yes, you are a blessing too Debbie, to many of us out there from the comments I read.
        I’ll let you know if I’m still confused…
        thank you again and have a beautiful week my friend 🙋🦋❤


      4. I’ve found the little ping back link that looks like the sideways 8 at the bottom of your post, Debbie! I think I’m getting there…. thank you again, lovely 🙏🏼💕💕

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      5. That’s a lovely idea dear Debbie👌
        And I have to admit to being addicted to these little things…
        They say so much as well as adding some colour and prettiness.
        Thank you for letting me know you enjoy them 🦋💕

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      6. Hello again dear Debbie🙋
        As you kindly suggested, I’ve just published my post with your ping back. Hope you enjoy it and the pingback is clear.
        Thank you again.
        Sending a hug to you.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Yippee, Di! I see it. ❤ I plan to do my next Forgiving Fridays post first thing tomorrow morning and will feature this along with the other contribution from RGS. So excited. You are magnificent, Di. ❤ Blessings, Debbie

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      8. Oh Debbie… it all works and the links open?? I’m thrilled. Thank you for helping me through the ping back stage. I really appreciated it.
        Oh that will be amazing to see my post in your feature.
        I’m honoured. And thank you.
        May you be blessed too my friend ✨🌈💕

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      9. Yes!!! It worked perfectly! Great work. 🙂 So looking forward to this post tomorrow. I just asked inwardly on my run what to share about for my own contribution for the coming week!! You are fantastic. I’m thankful to connect with you, Di. 🙂

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      10. Wonderful Debbie. I’ve actually come to love adding the hyperlinks and making it read like a normal piece of the writing…. you may just see blue words everywhere….
        I’m certain something wonderful will come to you after your run and your thoughts.
        I’ll look forward to reading yours too.
        Thank you again. Sending much love and gratitude to you my friend 💜✨✨✨

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  4. Debbie, it’s amazing how forgiving ourselves for our shortcomings or mistakes is a release. It’s wonderful and inspirational that you post all your growth for us. I forgive myself for being so hard on myself this week. My co- worker told me awhile ago that I’m so kind to others but don’t treat myself that way, a good reminder to be kind and forgiving to myself! Enjoy your stay at the ranch! Many blessings and love❤❤❤😇

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    1. Mary, what a gorgeous forgiveness. Thank you for sharing it here. I just read a recent blog post from you, where you said that you get help by asking God for support. What a beautiful key to forgive, and to be good to ourselves. I actually needed that reminder right about now. So glad that I know you, Mary. Have a wonderful week ahead. ❤ Love, Debbie

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      1. Yes, Debbie, God as shown me countless ways that Im worthy and loved. Many years I turned away from him despite my mom’s preaching, bu t now He is in my life and I know it Is this great because of Him. Many blessings to you and your lovely blog!❤🌈

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    1. I agree, Bella! Someone was just helping me with letting go today – he really helped me look at things in a new way. Interesting how support for forgiveness comes isn’t it? 🙂 Many blessings to you, Bella. Thanks for your comment, my friend. ~Debbie

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  5. Forgiving ourselves is sometimes the hardest of all but I hope you find the peace and clarity you need at the ranch this weekend. Sending you love, hugs and blessings xo ❤️

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  6. Hi Debbie, I did a video for one of my classes about a mother whose son committed suicide. She is so amazing in her positive attitude. She embodies a loving and forgiving spirit. I’d like to share it with your forgivingfridays. Here is the link:

    Is this how you do a ping back? I included the tag, #forgivingfridays.

    thanks! Rebecca

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    1. Rebecca, thank you so much for this contribution. What a blessing to be able to witness Geri and Olive’s story. Geri speaks with such caring, honesty, and a willingness to have an open heart. Sending so much love to all involved. I also went to your YouTube channel and commented there.

      You did great with sharing this for Forgiving Fridays. One more step is to create a pingback in your post by include a link to this post. Here’s the link to this post if helpful:

      (To see an example of a pingback, look at the “ps” of this post, where I included a link to Frank’s photo challenge.)

      Thank you again for this contribution, Rebecca. ❤ I will definitely include it in my Forgiving Fridays write up next week. Your portrayal is beautiful. I hope you do more videos – you have a real gift of sharing and connecting through peoples' stories.

      Blessings, Debbie

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    1. Thank you, Xenia, so much. One of the things I am experiencing is that peace is always present, and that it’s a choice within me. ❤ I'm breathing that in right now.

      Thank you as well for your presence. You have a beautiful energy and blog.
      Blessings, Debbie

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    1. This is really beautiful, Rhonda. The here and now is all that we truly have – and it is all full of love. Working on a greater appreciation and awareness of this moment. Many blessings, my friend – so glad you’re here. xo Debbie


    1. Thank you so much, Judith. I’m really glad that you got value from the swing idea. 🙂
      I read your comment right before doing my post with my contributions for Forgiving Fridays today. You uplifted my writing. Love and light to you, Judith. ~Debbie


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