Today’s forgiving journal: Shifting my focus

An awesome blogger Dutchgoesthephoto does a weekly photo challenge.  This week’s was vegetables, with an invitation to find a creative way to photograph them.  This is my submission.  What a blessing.


Today’s forgiving journal is about shifting my focus.

I need space to breathe…to grow….to forgive.  When I feel boxed in, I get tense and controlling and rigid.  Needless to say, it’s not the greatest way to live my life.  What works better is to create a space for compassion.  Shifting my focus is so key to giving myself this space.

One of the greatest ways to shift my focus is to do something physical and nurturing.  Gardening is a great example.  My friend Julie has a garden in her backyard, and just touching the soil this morning reconnected me to my loving touch.

Julie explained that cucumbers need space to grow.  They spread out as they get bigger.  So she planted them with enough room to flourish.

Shifting my focus space 2 June 26 2016

I’m doing that with forgiving.  I’m giving myself space to spread out and experience my own compassion.  And when I shift my focus with things like gardening, I’m giving myself a nudge in the direction I truly want to walk.  It opens up a whole new world of presence, a caring creativity, and attitude.

Shifting my focus soil June 26 2016Time for forgiving:

1 – I forgive myself for judging all the times I was ever rigid, boxed myself in, or got controlling.  I forgive myself for judging myself for doing this to the people that I love the most and all the self-blame I’ve had about it.

2 – I let all of this go into the Light.  There is no need to be perfect, to get it right.  The only need is for me to love myself and others – all of it – and to surrender the rest to Spirit.  YES!

3 – I am grateful for sticking with myself with this forgiving process.  I am grateful for finding ways to shift my focus.  I am grateful for the Light I am learning to see in me.


Creating the space for these cucumbers to grow, who knew this could provide such insight into forgiving?  🙂

I love you.


Shifting my focus mlk June 26 2016

22 thoughts on “Today’s forgiving journal: Shifting my focus

    1. Thank you Nikki! It was really creative and gardening came through really clear. Funny, because I just got a message on my tea bag that says “A garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul.” 🙂


  1. The pictures are amazing! Love how you connect the dots with them ! Also this actually gave me chills while reading! Gotta screenshot this and send it friends and family ! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww Meg that’s great! Love it. You are awesome. ❤
      I wanted to let you know that I'm going to be taking a break from blogging, probably for a week and a half or so. I'm at a spiritual conference so will be booked up most of the day. (very exciting) Just wanted to let you know in case you didn't hear from me! I plan to do a blog post tomorrow to let folks know. ❤


    1. Oh wow! Thank you so much. 🙂 Forgiving is awesome stuff, very glad to have your presence. Blessings your way.
      I also wanted to let you I’m going to be taking a break from blogging for about 2 weeks (maybe a little less), as I’m at a spiritual conference so will be booked up most of the day. Just wanted to let you know! I plan to do a blog post tomorrow to let folks know. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, KE right?! Interesting 🙂 Gardening is such a nurturing tool on so many levels.
      Did I tell you that I’m going to be at a spiritual conference? So I’ll be off blogging for about a week and a half. Just wanted to let you know in case you don’t hear from me. Have a wonderful week or so & blessings.

      Liked by 1 person

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