It’s #ForgivingFridays! Today’s Topic: The Soothing Voice of Forgiveness

Happy #ForgivingFridays everyone! Yay!

This is a creative prompt for you to write a post on letting go and forgiving, or what happens when you do that.  You can do your post ANY DAY this week!

It can be anything that inspires YOU to forgive and choose love – or it can even be something you’d LIKE to let go of.  e.g.: write your experience, share a poem or photo, do a video, and/or  forgive yourself or someone else. 🙂 I look forward to see what you do!

On Monday, I fell out of my bed.  Can you imagine doing this?  It was a shock, because I was in a deep sleep, and it was restless.

When I realized what had happened, the first thing I did was cry. 🙂  Then, I put my hand on my heart automatically, and I said “Everything is ok.  You’re ok.” in such a compassionate way.  I got myself back into bed and simply repeated that phrase over and over.

My voice was so soothing.  I rested more, and I held myself.  I told myself it could have been so much worse (I knew I hadn’t seriously hurt myself). God, I was so naturally centered in the caring within me.  My sense is that all of the forgiveness practice I do regularly is what helped me to move into this nurturance so easily.

When I got up, I confirmed that only my rib was bruised from falling on the edge of the computer.  And, I changed my whole week.  I’d been planning to do so much, and I was tired and unable to move easily.  I slept a lot, and I needed to do things more slowly.



As I did this, I experienced a deeper reverence and awareness for each action I took.  For example, when I visited one of your blog posts, I REALLY took in the beauty of you. I realized I had been going really fast for months now.  I moved, I traveled to two countries, I expanded in my coaching.

And this week, I gave myself a sacred space to relax, integrate and take stock.  I looked around my new home and paid attention to what it’s like to be here. I asked questions about where I am in my life and what I may want to let go of.  I practiced Self-forgiveness.

Honestly, I don’t know a number of things in my life still.  My home, relationship, work … And I am ok with that, because I am being good to myself and grateful for all of it.  Each moment is a blessed, precious part of life.

However you do it today, I encourage you to speak kind words to yourself.  To forgive yourself if you find yourself in judgment.  To soothe yourself and simply say, “Everything is ok.”  Open to what happens when you do that.

When I was in Israel, I watched hundreds if not thousands of people pray at the Western Wall.  I wonder if a part of them simply wanted a compassionate presence to hear their prayers.



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I love you.


ps – I did a video on being the soothing voice of forgiveness for ourselves, if it’s helpful.  Watch here:


I am SO SO grateful for all of you who contribute to Forgiving Fridays.  I learn so much from you!  Here are contributions from this week and some from last week too – they were magnificent:

Etta of Simply Etta D. shared her reflections on her relationship with her father, and how she handled it when he passed into Spirit.  It’s so important to express what’s going on inside. This is a key to forgiveness!

DeB of Roaming Urban Gypsy contributed a great photo collage of her trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, plus her artwork illustrating the transformation that takes place when we’re creative!

Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking wrote a poem on how forgiveness helps us open to the sweet tenderness of who we truly are, and how distractions can never keep us from this.  Really gorgeous!

Pragalbha of Infinite Living gave a wonderful encouragement for each of us to choose love, forgiveness and acceptance  for ourselves and others, no matter how people behave toward you. Includes a Kauai photo from her husband!

Revived Writer wrote a gorgeous poem on the winding road of forgiveness. It’s so important to keep going even when it feels hard. Great work!

Emily of Zombie Flamingos took a host of photos at different shutter speeds.  What’s especially courageous is that she took all the photos in one go and did something new outside of her comfort zone. Way to go Emily!

**This is my contribution to Trent’s The Weekly Smile, Sue Vincent’s Thursday challenge and Frank’s Slippery. I love each of your prompts!**

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Include #ForgivingFridays in your tags
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you.
  • Have fun – you are awesome!


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37 thoughts on “It’s #ForgivingFridays! Today’s Topic: The Soothing Voice of Forgiveness

    1. Thank you, Sue! It ended up being such a blessing for me to relax, slow down, and be grateful for my life. And to deeply soothe all the parts of myself (such an important part of forgiveness!!)

      Much love to you. Happy Forgiving Fridays. Have a great weekend,

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Reading the beginning of your post where you so clearly kindly care and love yourself, just touched me. It is so amazing to be able to do that and share. A soothing inspiration to me. The video was a perfect match 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It really is, isn’t it, Pragalbha? It was so natural for me to speak to myself so kindly. I was being a mother to my inner child. My sense is that all of the forgiveness practice I do regularly is what helps me to move into this nurturance so easily.

      Thank you again for your beautiful reflection on forgiveness for this week. Keep going is such a powerful encouragement – and your husband’s photo added such richness and blessings. Much love to you, Pragalbha, and to your sons!!
      Love and Light,

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That naturalness in nurturing yourself is incredible. It shows how consistency in a chosen practice brings such profound effects.

        My pleasure and privilege to be a contribution to your work. Thank you for your appreciation and blessings!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. You did the right thing, Debbie. I’m so happy that you are not badly hurt…definitely, it could be worse, but we should look at the brighter side, isn’t it? Because of the bruised rib, you actually paid attention to yourself and introspect. That’s the loveliest thing we can do to ourselves ❤

    It always feels good whenever I visit your blog and read/hear you. Stay blessed… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Maniparna, I’m so glad you visited too! You bring a bright presence each time you come and happy that my blog moved you. I love how you partake of the forgiveness. 💜 Have a wonderful week ahead with many blessings. Love, Debbie


    1. Thank you! I soothed myself so deeply when I fell. It was a blessing in disguise and I’m feeling better now. So thank you, and thanks also for your encouragement on my home. Blessings to you and your family (including your dog!). Debbie 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Debbie, what a beautiful example of how your daily practice of choosing to love yourself showed up automatically when you fell. I am so glad that you are ok.
    Work has taken up more space in my life than I would like. I am going to take up your offer to slow down this weekend. Read some poems and write some poems. Stare at a tree or two. Call someone I love that I haven’t seen lately.
    Thank you for the inspiration. Love to you,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh I love this, Ali. It’s so important to slow down, drink in the love and really relax. My spiritual teacher J-R has a key guideline of taking care of ourselves first so we can help take care of others. It’s such a guiding principle for my life.

      Love and Light to you Ali. I hope you ended up having a beautiful and sacred weekend. Keep shining your peace and joy! ~Debbie
      ps – I see that you contributed a poem for this week’s #ForgivingFridays. This is great — I’ll have a look soon. Looking forward to it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You said it, Mary – slowing down and savoring every moment is a beautiful way to put what my experience was this past week. Really glad you love this post.

      Thank you for your caring, Mary. You are a sweetheart! Blessings to you for a wonderful week ahead!
      Love, Debbie ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So sweet, Debbie. Without travelling a lot recently, I have also felt the need to sleep – could this be winter hibernation? My semi-wild ring necked dove, Tommy, has a girlfriend and they sit huddled up together on a stool on the terrace, sometimes preening each other. Blessing to be shared and enjoyed from my kitchen door! As the saying goes, there is no place like home. Have you done a Light blessing in yours?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, so sweet about Tommy and his girlfriend. That must be beautiful for you to have them both nearby, Anne.

      That’s interesting you’ve been wanting to sleep more too. Maybe we’re doing a lot of Light work. 😊 I haven’t done a house blessing, what a nice inspiration. Thank you! Have a wonderful week, my friend.

      Love and Light, Debbie

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Debbie, I’ve found myself visiting here via Ali’s lovely site. I am actually at a stage in my life where I’m starting to look after myself, and being kind to myself.
    I write to you
    You write to me
    Your thoughts say it all
    Words do fall
    Out of a crack in the wall
    Stand on the rubble tall
    Let the dust settle
    Light up the kettle
    Have a cuppa and a chat
    Light flows back, through the crack
    Writing is our world
    Words are our pearls

    I’ll attach this link to one of my poems, if that’s ok with you…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ivor, I’m so happy that you found me! Isn’t Ali’s site marvelous? She’s such a wonderful person, and poet.

      Thank you for sharing your poetry here. I’d like to include it for my #ForgivingFriday’s post this week. Is that ok? If so, it would be great if you can link back to this post & include #ForgivingFridays in your tags. And if you’d prefer not to do that, completely fine. 🙂

      I spent some time in Australia. Whereabouts do you live? Blessings to you! And welcome to my blog.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Debbie, your words: I asked questions about where I am in my life and what I may want to let go of.
    resonate with me.

    IT’s amazing how much baggage we carry with us and now as I meditate before sleep I try to focus on letting go of negative thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

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