Today’s Forgiving Fridays: The Endless Gift of Your Own Compassion

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Hi everyone,

Happy #ForgivingFridays!

Since I’m doing Money Mondays every week, I decided to move this Forgiving Fridays series to once per month.  Feel free to contribute your own experience and stories on forgiveness and letting go. Simply tag this post & include #ForgivingFridays in your tags.

Below my post are contributions for #ForgivingFridays from this past month!

This post is dedicated to the experience of compassion inside each one of us.  Did  you know that for years, I had no idea what compassion meant for me?  I spent so much time blaming myself for everything—for my mom and dad’s divorce, for my own divorce, and for the ways I thought that I wasn’t loveable.

I learned what compassion was for me by practicing Self-forgiveness.  By coming back to my heart again and again.  I even spent a few months writing down experiences of compassion so that I understood what the experience is for me.

I healed an eating disorder.  I got solid in my self-care and refined by own ability to forgive and facilitate others in the process.  And I forgave even in the face of my mom’s murder.  I allowed my feelings to surface and worked through my judgments.  That is a master’s path.

So, from my heart to yours, I invite you to step with me into this field of compassion.  To love even when it doesn’t make sense, or feels hard to do.  To open yourself to letting go of blame, especially self-critical patterns that box you in to suffering.  Forgive yourself for the judgments that separate you from your loving.  That is not who you are.

To end today, I have a poem on compassion.  It’s my contribution for dVerse, a prompt to call for poems and this week’s theme is “blame and forgiveness”:


It is, in the silent,

still dewdrop,

on the

flower, the little

+ the enormous,

Being that you are,

allows itself to shine bright.

In this, the kiss of

your endless,

effervescent lips,

seal in every fiber

of your being-ness

Only the good of your love.

~D. Roth 

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Have a wonderful weekend. I love you.



**This post is my contribution to dVerse’s Blame and Forgiveness and also to Dutch Goes The Photo’s Layer. Frank, there are many layers to compassion and each time I forgive, I let go of a judgment and open into a deeper experience inside.**


Frank Hubeny of dVerse Poets chose “blame and forgiveness” as the topic for dVerse. What a powerful service to the blogging community – opening to the freedom of letting go.

Etta of Simply Etta D. does a beautiful daily quote for inspiration and reflection.  Here is her invitation to be flexible and open to new expressions. Go, Etta!

DeB of Roaming Urban Gypsy contributed a beautiful sharing of her experience with letting go of the past and sharing her gifts as an artist.  And a great photo of her!!

Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking  wrote a poem that captures both the pain of blaming and the hope of forgiveness – and a gorgeous photo to illustrate peace!

Ali of Flashlight Batteries contributed a poem that illustrates how who we are is so much bigger than what we do – and embraces all of our judgments with great love.  A creative spin!

Pragalbha of Infinite Living shared two posts:  (1) a profound story on how she gives herself permission to follow her joy and be led by love; and (2) a poem on the incredible solace of stillness when we clear out the mind through forgiveness.

Revived Writer wrote two poems: (1) “Love Creates with beautiful insights on how nurturing it is to allow herself to be loved and be exactly who she is and (2) “The Chain of Blame” that gives a demonstration that forgiveness is a choice we can make anytime to set ourselves free. 

Kathy of K E Garland sponsors a “Self-Love” series for the month of May, where she highlights bloggers experience on loving who they are.  Gorgeous!!  Here are three stories for your reading pleasure: Lady G, RayNotBradbury, and Michelle Tillman.

Gabrielle of  Bone & Silver shared a heartwarming story of visiting her Mum and how taking a baby photo back home helped her to choose the healing power of forgiveness. Beautiful!

Here are the guidelines of #ForgivingFridays:  

  • Every day is Friday!  Do a post today or anytime this week.
  • Be creative – there’s LOTS of space for your expression! Write a poem, take a photo, post a quote, share your story …  what opens your heart?
  • Include #ForgivingFridays in your tags
  • Create a pingback link to this post so I can find you.
  • Have fun – you are awesome!



32 thoughts on “Today’s Forgiving Fridays: The Endless Gift of Your Own Compassion

  1. I had a rough day yesterday, I noticed I was feeling unmoored and very sensitive regarding the tides of change unfolding in my world…being compassionate towards myself and others has helped…today is a brand new day! Thank you (always!) for sharing your heart, Debbie.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You truly lead the way in using compassion and forgiveness for self towards such profound transformation.
    Forgive yourself for the judgments that separate you from your loving – This statement of yours clears out multiple layers of the mind to find the peace and love present.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Pragalbha, thank you for this lovely comment. Again, you point out the essence of my blog post! The key to Self-forgiveness is forgiving yourself for the judgments that separate you from your loving. You are incredible, and I love that you get this.

      Blessings to you. Feel free to be in touch anytime and let me know how things are going for you. You can email me if you ever want to do that (

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And you give me incredible joy with such purely loving responses! 🙂 It is a treasure to be connected to you and it would be a precious opportunity to get to interact with you personally. I will keep your email address and your invitation to connect, close to my heart.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kathy! I’m doing a complimentary Zoom class tomorrow (Sun) at 10am PDT called “Find the Blessing in Your Money Story.” I think you may enjoy it, given your amazing focus on self-love and self-improvement. We’ll be exploring limiting beliefs about money and how it affects our current situation—-and what happens when we slow down and listen to ourselves. Also, we’ll be doing journaling and visualization exercises as a part of it, and a solo process on forgiveness.

      Here’s the link to register if you want to:

      And if it doesn’t call to you, that’s totally fine too!!
      Bless you Kathy.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sometimes I feel like compassion is a lost art form. People don’t approach others with grace as much as they used to anymore. Unfortunately, too many are too quick to ridicule, condemn and criticize. 😕

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I hear you, Rakkelle! So glad that you’re here.

      You know, for a while I kept a compassion journal and wrote down moments where I experienced compassion. It was so powerful—I learned a lot about what compassion is for me. I still think about that to this day. 🙂

      Blessings. Visit anytime!

      Liked by 1 person

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