Today’s forgiving journal: A Thank You prayer

Today’s forgiving journal is a thank you prayer.
I’m moving tomorrow out of my apartment.
So much going on inside especially.
Thank you for
The lessons of grief
Of loss
Of love
(Why do I put love last?)
The expanding nature of
My heart
My life
More than that as you see … fit
Thank you for the location
Of love
Of peace
In my heart (again I just needed to hear it) home.
This is a gift, that I know, and so much
More I’m learning once again.
Thank you.
I Forgive.
-D Roth, for my forgiveness book

20 thoughts on “Today’s forgiving journal: A Thank You prayer

  1. Beautiful prayer, Debbie. In times like moving, where chaos ensues, it is easy to forget to take time to reflect and be thankful. Thank YOU for the reminder of this importance. ❤

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