Today’s forgiving journal: Loving One Another

Today’s forgiving journal is about loving one another.

One of the things I am present to is that we are all going through this life together.  We all struggle, we all cry, we all laugh and celebrate wins, we all experience loss, and joy, and etcetera.  To me, there is a solace and a tremendous gift in knowing that I am walking with us all, that no matter how dark sometimes things seem, someone else has been there too.

When we share together about forgiveness, it’s a way to connect, to remind each other that we are in this path of learning together, and that we can care for one another.  Today, I have two sharings on forgiveness for you as an illustration.

The first is from a fellow blogger, Chinwe Bode-Akinwande.  This is what she has to say about forgiving:

“I define forgiveness as the act of releasing my self from the prison of hurt and conscious decision to let go of everything and everyone that has made me not feel good . Of course with the grace that can only but come from God.

I have gone through certain things in life that I consciously subscribed to God to let me forgive and be free.”

Chinwe, thank you!!  Your sharing is a blessing and opened my heart, and I love you.

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The second sharing is from a lovely woman I met on the street at the Brooklyn Labor Day Parade! Her name is Shkylah Maine, and she came up to me as I was doing a forgiving video.  Shkylah talked about forgiveness as: “Be kind. Be nice. Be gentle. Love. All life matters.” For more, watch here:

Much love to you Shkylah.  You reached out and gave me the courage to reach back.


We are never alone.

We are all loved.

We are all family. And I forgive myself for judging myself for forgetting that we are all here to learn and grow and for forgetting to love.  These women helped me remember.

I love you!

