Today’s forgiving journal: Accepting myself home

Today’s forgiving journal is about accepting myself home.

I am aware that I (sometimes) judge so much of myself:
My expression
My looks and body
My writing
My choices

Need I go on? 🙂

Coming into a deep acceptance of myself exactly as I am is one of my greatest lessons.

I am doing this each time that I forgive. Time for a little more, I think.

1 – Self-forgiveness: I forgive myself for judging myself for not loving myself exactly as I am.
2 – Letting Go: I let go of any ways that I don’t understand what I’m writing right now.
3 – Gratitude: WOW sometimes the best kinds of journaling is just going with the flow of what’s present. I have a big smile on my face.


I so yearn for the experience of home inside of myself. Each time I accept myself more, I am creating this inner sanctuary where all there is, is love.

Home Maya Angelou July 20 2016

Thank you so much for being with me on this journey. I love you.


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