Today’s forgiving journal: Forgiving, letting go, gratitude!

Today’s forgiving journal is a 3-step tool on forgiving: forgiving, letting go, and gratitude!

Hi loves….I thought I’d switch the focus of my forgiving journal to some tools I’ve found to help me forgive. In case they help you too.

This first one is a gem. I developed it when I was studying for a Doctorate in Spiritual Science; these three steps were the key method in my Practical Treatise (like a dissertation in traditional education).

For this exercise, you can keep it simple or make it more elaborate – completely up to you! I’d just suggest writing the 3 steps in a journal. There’s something about writing down each entry that can bring a deep awareness and healing and for me, compassion.

A personal sharing as an introduction…. I was speaking with a dear friend this morning, and she asked me how I stay so thin. I shared with her that partly I’m still working through how to take care of myself. Eating in a self-nurturing way has been a lifelong challenge for me, and I am so grateful for this because: It really opened me to a deep yearning to forgive myself. Huge gift.

Anyway, here’s the process! Let me know how it goes for you if you like. That would be lovely.


“Forgiving” Journal

Use your journal to do these 3 steps:

1 – Self-Forgiveness: write down at least one self-forgiveness statement, e.g.:  “I forgive myself.” “I forgive myself for judging myself for X.” “I forgive myself for judging myself as X.”

2- Letting Go: Once you’ve written down your self-forgiveness statements, let it all go to whatever you connect with as loving (e.g. God, the Light, loving, nature). You might add “for the highest good.”**

3 – Gratitude: At this point, write down at least one thing you are grateful for.

**”For the highest good” refers to being open to a greater outcome than what you know or can see in your personal perspective.  Have you ever asked for something and didn’t get it, and then you were grateful later that you didn’t get it?  That’s the idea. J  This way, you can allow the things of greatest value to come into your life.


That’s it! Voila! Many blessings to all…..I love you.



20 thoughts on “Today’s forgiving journal: Forgiving, letting go, gratitude!

  1. I love this: “…being open to a greater outcome than what you know or can see in your personal perspective.” Sometimes it seems what we think is good for us, isn’t, and vice versa. And, often we get what we ask for, we just don’t recognize it because it looks different from how we expect it to look.

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    1. You are wonderful, thank you!! This forgiving method is so powerful to me, especially because it’s step by step and all I need to do is be willing to do it! Really helps me to let go and to choose love. ☺ Many blessings!


  2. Oh how I have missed your blog. It is so easy to get caught up in the spiral of sadness that you push away things that remind you that things will be ok. I forgive myself for doubting myself. Thank you again for teaching me these words, with learning chemo may not be working it is a great pleasure to be reminded to forgive and let go.

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